
What do you think about Palin's 17 year old daughter being pregnant?

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She is 5 months pregnant with an 18 year old boy. They are supposed to be getting married.




  1. On one hand, I think that she should probably try and define her own families values, before pushing them on the nation.

    But on the other hand, I do not think that it should change anyone's mind on voting McCain.

    You should be able to do that fairly easily without digging into the personal life of his vice president by simply thinking rationally about the candidates and realizing that electing McCain would only hurt us with four more years of what we have endured under Bush.  

  2. I think it reflects poorly on both parents.  If these same parents allow two teenagers to marry, its just another added ingredient for disaster.  These two kids haven't even finished high school.  Chances are Bristol will have to drop out of school.  How successful do you think a household of married teenagers with one working spouse is going to be?

  3. children having children is never a good thing.  but, my mom had me when she was 18, my mother in law had my husband's brother when she was happens all the time.  many many of those families are wonderful people and the kids turn out to be great citizens.  

    who cares that her daughter is pregnant?  if anything, it gives palin more strength and character as a real american mother.

  4. that is pretty cool...maybe the youngen will surf the internet in about ten years and see his mom chose to have him/her even though it made his grandmothers campaign a little more difficult.

  5. the republicans want her to answer the 3:00 am call.  Palin is too busy in her own life to be able to run the USA. all those children, plus a grand baby on the way. her life is her own, but come on Republicans, wake up!

  6. It doesn't matter.people needs to mind there own business and quit worrying about things they don't have the power to change.I believe that is gossip.

  7. I don't have a problem with her making a mistake. I have a problem with her mother preaching against everything her daughter just did, but saying it's okay because "she told them she was pregnant." I don't like hypocrites.

  8. Good for them, it takes someone with a good upbringing to take responsibility like that,  

  9. Plain may be a politician, but she is still a mom and faces the same issues the rest of us do.  I think it just shows that this family has values and character and practices what they preach, even if they make mistakes.  She could have sucked the baby down the sink and no one would have to know about it.  Our society has glorified premarital s*x, single mothers, etc. and now, because the daughter of a conservative republican finds herself in this situation it's a big scandal?  It just shows how desparate the democrats are getting.

  10. She's five months pregnant with an 18 year old boy? should really think about what you write BEFORE you write it otherwise you end up sounding really dumb. should really get a life or just concentrate on what Miley Cyrus is doing.

  11. It's unfortunate, but it happens even though parents try to raise them the best they can. It'll be tough for them even though her mom may become vice president. The bashers would be praising the both of them if Palin were a democrat. It would be no one's business.

  12. It's none of my business....

    I don't see why it is a big deal in the sense of it being Palin's daughter... isn't not like Palin's the one who is pregnant out of wedlock. It is sad that another teen is pregnant, but as parents we are not in control of our kids decisions, we can only protect them and guide them so far and they will make there own decisions.

    I think that people are making it out to be Palin's mistake, it's not... it is her daughter's mistake... don't judge Palin!

  13. Well, Barack Obama said that it is nobody's business, and it isn't.  I think it was very, very classy for Barack to stand up and tell his supporters and the media to stop the madness on this non issue.  Just think, if his 18 year old single mother didn't become pregnant and decide to keep him, you wouldn't see history being made in this election.

    In short, I am not going to think about something that really has nothing to do with this election.


    I'm not saying to attack her pregnancy. I'm saying how her pregnancy reflects her mother's leadership/motherhood skills! WOW! If she can't keep track of her own daughter, how is she supposed to keep track of a COUNTRY if McCain dies?

  15. Who cares. What difference does it make. Let Palin's daughter live.

  16. I am not really concerned about her pregnancy or how and why she became pregnant.

    I am very concerned by McCain not properly vetting his selection.

    I wish no harm to the child or her unborn child.... I just wonder how McCain's camp fumbled this.  This is a political disaster. It makes the McCain campaign look amateurish.

  17. I think it's irrelevant to the election and should be ignored.  

  18. I am not going to say it is a mistake and neither should anybody else. Nobody knows the real situation or any of them personally. But I am voting for Mccain Palin if that says anything.  

  19. Pretty amazing that a 17-year old girl is carrying an 18-year old boy, isn't it? ;-)

  20. Obviously, there was not too much checking on her, she was not properly vetted. How can someone who is under investigation in her own state and cannot exercise any control in her own home be considered for a role as seriously important as McCain's vice president, considering the fact that McCain's health is not all that great. I bet by next week, she steps down "due to family considerations, in a desire to be with her family more" Shows what happens when a man thinks with his eyes and not his mind.

  21. It has absolutely nothing to do with her as a politician.

    The smear tactics need to stop on both sides.  You can't cry about being smeared, while you're in the middle of smearing the other side.

  22. I don't think any differently about it, than I do about all the other people in the US that get pregnant and have babies at too young of an age.  I guess I am just happy that she is doing the right thing and marrying the father and not aborting the baby.  It is good that she has supportive parents that will stand by her and love her regardless of her mistakes.

    Nothing about this makes her mother a hypocrite, unless her mother held a gun to her head and forced her to sleep with her boyfriend...idiots!

  23. I think it's sad. She's an idiot. Her boyfriend is an idiot.

    I don't think Palin bears any responsibility for this though. Stupid teens get knocked up from both sides of the political spectrum.

  24. Not much (she's not running for president or VP.) Barrack (DOB 8-4-61) Obama's mother was 17 when he was conceived and I don't think much about that either.

  25. When people get married too young, marriages fail. How does Palin feel about divorce?

    I have a 6 month old son and don't feel that I was fully prepared for the lack of sleep and ultimate responsibility of raising a child.  There is going to be a lot of stress on that relationship.  

  26. I like what someone said on the news today:

    We don't want a perfect candidate, we want a honest candidate, and Sarah Palin has been open and honest.

  27. I think Palin's 17 year old daughter is just like most 17 year old daughters. Why should she be different? Sons and daughters these days are raised in an  environment where it seems that "anything goes." Some become pregnant, some don't. She just happened to be one who did. Were you a virgin at 17?

    I wasn't, and I'm 75 years old and was one of the lucky ones who DIDN'T get pregnant. Back then it would have been a disgrace; not so these days. I've even noticed Day Care Centers set up for children/babies of high school students so there must be a lot of teen, unmarried mothers. It seems not everyone takes advantage of the free condoms.  

  28. I think it's none of my business.

    But, in general, situations like this stress the importance of s*x education and contraception.

  29. You wasted 5 points on that question?  At least make it a thoughtful question.

    I don't think anything about her daughter being pregnant.  It's none of my business.

  30. Lets just hope McCain doesn't win, otherwise a single-wide  will replace the White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

  31. Well- her mom fights any/all abortion, including rape and incest.  Does not believe in s*x Ed. at schools.  Believes is should start and be taught at home.  I mean really- any 17 yr. old can get pregnant.  She must have forgotten that part of the lecture. She is nuts.  Huge mistake John McCain.

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