
What do you think about Palin's 17 yr old daughter being 5 months pregnent?

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Gov. Palin's 17 yr old high school senior is in her second trimester. What about family values? If she can't even keep her own daughter under control how can we expect her to control our country. Maybe this has something to do with Gov. Palin's opposition to birth control.

This is exactly why there should be birth control and it should be readily available to all teens without any parental consent.




  1. trig was born in april. That was 5 months ago. How convenient.

    I actually think that bristol is NOT pregnant this time around and sooner or later she will have either a "miscarriage" or a still born child.

    Of all the photos I have seen online - sarah is NOT acting as a mother would towards trig. Bristol does act like a mother in every photo I have seen.  

  2. You forgot to mention AIDS prevention. Young people should learn more about the dangers of unprotected s*x.

  3. Sad, but it happens.  Just because the mother is against birth control doesn't mean the children shouldn't use it.  We all know that not allowing kids to have s*x eduction and birth control doesn't mean that they won't have s*x.  I hope the young couple has a happy healthy baby and marriage.

  4. Yeah,,,,Palin's daughter being pregnant is almost as bad as a democrat presidential candidate cheating on his wife while she is hospitalized with cancer and then lying about it.

  5. her daughter isn't running for vice president so i could care less if she is pregnant.

  6. What parent "controls" their 17 year old? I don't want ANY VP to "control" the country. Get an education.

  7. I never looked at Sarah Palin as a person with morals so, I don't think much of it.

  8. I think maybe you've been sleeping all day because this question has been posted a thousand times and it has become triesome.

  9. Bristol Palin will be 18 in October and the baby is expected in December. Her family has announced that her and the father will be getting married.

    Obama's mother had him when she was 18 and he has admitted that the paperwork wasn't properly filed so that she may have been a single mother.

    These 2 situations don't reflect anything on Sarah Palin OR Barrack Obama.

    Teenagers always think things will never happen to them. It does. Mistakes. I've made a bunch in my life and so has everyone posting. Get real and get over yourselves.

  10. I'd flippin kill someone if they gave my daughter birth control without my consent! That is no one else's job when it comes to a minor child.

  11. 1st: how do you know the daughter didn't use protection?

    2nd: she's a typical teen she made a mistake

    3rd: Atleast she's taking responsibility and not forcing an abortion on her child to cover up the "problem"

  12. What does this have to do with Palin and her run for VP???  I do NOT support this wacko but it is still NOT a Campaign Issue!   You people need to stop this grade school mentality!

  13. This whole thing seems to had shut conservatives up. No defenders of abstinence education, the Rev Wright bashers aren't anywhere to be found either as Sarah Palin should have had a "mentor" role.

    All you get is douchebag Joe America with his cut and paste c**p.

  14. "This is exactly why there should be birth control"

    If there was, we wouldn't have people asking stupid questions on this forum.

    Palin is running for VP, what is her daughter running for, secretary of state, get over it.

    Undecided - Independent

  15. So what, she's human, and 17....We seriously need to focus on more important issues, rather than pick apart these families traumatic things they have suffered.....Obama\Biden 08'

  16. I think it reflects badly on Sarah Palin.  I do not support a vp pick that is a woman.  I am not sexist.  I do not support birth control for teenagers without parental consent.  I think Sarah Palin's daughter has her own life and her own priorities.  I think that Sarah Palin's daughter demonstrated some very poor judgment, but that is largely to be seen in how responsible the Father will be.  I do not support women in a high a post as Vice President.  Family values are easy to tell, teach, preach, but Sarah Palin is not raising her daughter - Much Music is, the Internet is, our hyper consumer, hyper impulsive culture is.

  17. really then according to you every mom whose daughter has an unplanned pregnancy should be fired from her job. lol i mean why stop at barring her from the vp spot why not just make her wear a burka and stone her already geez it happens. the kid didn't murder anybody, rape anybody or hurt anybody else she made a bad choice that shes going to have to live with  

  18. Unmarried pregnancy is a situation that knows no political boundaries.  This has nothing to do with the Governor's parenting skills, or lack thereof.  It is a side issue that does not need politicizing.

  19. No one "controls" a teenager.

    You do the best you can and hope you survive it until they become adults.

    Obviously you haven't been there yet.

  20. Please ask something else i am tired seeing same questions over n over again,it seems you don't care about the girl that has became a center of national attention due to Mccain's political ambitions

    You only seem to be only interested about the gossip part of it

  21. Who are you to judge? How many other kids have gotten PG? So all those parents are bad too? Apparently you haven't had children. Birth Control doesn't always work, but maybe you don't know anything about that either.

  22. daily kos were saying yesterday that Trig was sarah's grandson,i guess they look like total fools ( they are any way) liberals are BOTTOM FEEDING VERMIN!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Not much.

    If it was the daughter of a democrat and this little problem got in the way what would happen then.

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