
What do you think about Pres. bush's comments about the lack of human rights and freedoms in China?

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He had stated that the States" speaks out for a free press,freedom of assembly and labour rights".I find this statement pretty weak when a few years ago the Dixie Chicks were boycotted and threatened with death for their views on the war.I guess Bush feels free speech is okay as long as you agree with his view.I think some countries have a long way to go on human rights issues.I don't pretend to know the answers but I think that hypocrisy is not synonymous with honesty.What are your thoughts?




  1. I personally think that there is a lack of human rights in every country on earth.

    It is very difficult to find a true "democracy" in any country on the planet.  especially if you have the definition of "rule by the people, of the people for the people"  Even the USA does not have this kind of democracy.

    China does have an abysmal record of human rights abuses but if we go back through history, most other countries have similar records.

    I, for one, would love to see a world where none of this occurs.  We are  well enough educated in this day and age to have a one world love and equality between nations.

  2. Bush did not agree with people threatening the Dixie Chicks iwth death, and while some people did, he did not set two standards.

  3. So long as Guantanamo continues to hold detainees without trial and allow torture then he has no right to criticise anyone.

  4. Your comparison is not analogous.

    You are equating state sanctioned censorship and repression of free speech, including imprisonment and death, with spontaneous and individual responses to an insult.  

    Bush had nothing to do with the Chicks with Dix putting their foot in their mouth.  He neither advocated or condoned any reprisals, and indeed, none were forthcoming.  Unlike China, where people are routinely incarcerated and frequently forgotten, (has anybody ever found that guy who stood in front of the tank in Tianneman square?)

    The collapse of the Dixie Chicks' career is completely of their own making, and a normal function of supply and demand.  If you are saying or singing things people don't agree with, don't expect them to buy your product.

  5. Bush is an idiot. Plain and Simple.

  6. right on, i think people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones....

  7. You honestly want to come here and compare the boycott of a music group with human rights violations?

    Put it this way. If they lived in China and spoke out against the Chinese government they never would have been heard of again. It would also be illegal for you to own any of their CDs, and if you were caught with them you would never be heard of again. Now thats human rights violations for you.

    Go live in North Korea for a while why dont you? You will be BEGGING to see George Bush and America again.  

  8. Bush = hypocritical moron.

  9. Its a pity the Palestinians aren't entitled to the same human rights.

  10. you know anything about China?  I have a friend who is from China.  Pres Bush is right.  Check it out.  

  11. OK get your facts straight first!

    Bush never said a word publicly that I am aware of about the Dixie Chicks statement about him and the war!

    It was their fan base that the Dixie Chicks highly offended by their statements! And it was those AMERICAN PEOPLE who have the freedom of assembly and choice that created a ban on their music! NOT the government!

    They failed to recognize that their fans generally are, pro-American, pro-troops, or ARE troops, and mostly Republican.

    So how does that make Bush a hypocrite? Even if he came out against them, that's his right isn't it? Wouldn't you feel compelled to defend yourself against disparaging statements about your character? And isn't that what freedom of speech is all about? Does he stop getting the freedom to speak his mind just because he's President?

    Should he have stepped in and told everyone to respect the opinions of the Dixie Chicks, and not stop listening to their music? Or should it have gone down just as it did?

    Fans who were upset with, and disagreed with them, showing that displeasure by refusing to support them or their music?


    And if your going to compare human rights violation of China Vs. USA, perhaps you should do some research first.

    China has done far worse things then just restricting freedom of speech, press and rights to protest.

    Have you followed the news at all and heard about the savage attacks China has visited upon Tibet?

    Aren't you aware that families are only allowed 1 child per couple?

    Take a gander at the link below. I think the right to free speech is the least of their worries!

  12. Perhaps someone should show him the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp, many are held there illegally by the US gov :)

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