
What do you think about Shirley Phelps Roper?

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What do you think about Shirley Phelps Roper?




  1. wackjob with a g*y dad.

  2. A woman with a mission, has forced meaning to her life, and doesn't blink once...

    Isn't that a sign of psychosis?  Or possession?  Or something?

  3. I think she needs a psychological evaluation, with a subsequent vacation in the rubber romper room.

  4. Well though she is the very definition of hateful bigot she sure does know the first amendment.  

  5. I think as soon as I have enough money for a flight over there and a revolver I'm taking that ***** out. **** the revolver, I'll stab her with a kitchen knife, or bang her head in with a rock, I'm not fussed.

    Disgusting, moronic, evil ***** that she is. Those soldiers died for her, and she's repaying their sacrifice - the biggest sacrifice in the world, by hurting their loved ones even more and disrespecting their memory.

    The English language can't describe the evil inside her black shriveled cave of a chest.


  6. She's not half the woman Aunt Jemima is.

  7. Crazy child-abusing bigot with an IQ hovering aroung 50.

    I honestly can't wait for the day when she gets tasered by a cop for that sickening picketing they do at funerals.

  8. She's hot, and snappy.

  9. A walking advertisment for contraception and abortion.

    The natural result of inbreeding.

      As S****y on the inside as on the outside.

      A child's worst nightmare.

    Christian womanhood at it's absolute worse.

    A child abuser who should be kept as far away from children as possible.

      Looks just like Old Man Phelps....and that alone would drive a sane woman to suicide.   I've never seen anyone who looks more like a fading old auntie than Fred Phelps.      

  10. There are very few people on the face of the earth I want to see die a horribly violent death, but she is one of them.  

  11. She's one of the few Christians honest enough to preach the bible as it is intended.

    She's also a despicable human being, as any proper Christian should be.

  12. I think the Phelps clan is a case of incest gone bad

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