
What do you think about TNA doing the old angle between The New Blood vs The Millionaires Club?

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You remember this angle in WCW in 2000 or 2001? I don't believe it worked then do you think it will work this time? I just want to get your opinions on the angle!




  1. actually we all know that these wrestlings are fake, but the point is what are the wrestlers about and there is no dam doubt that Kurt is a real learned wrestler, he has some real moves and ossom style of wrestling, thats the reason that he is the only one who has won olympic's gold as well...

  2. I guess that since it was Vince Russo who helped storyline that angle back in  early 2000 and is now with TNA, that it's being brought back.As with WCW back then, it's being used to get the ratings up for Impact which despite Dixie Carter's best efforts, can't get past 1.1 or 1.2.Russo and Eric Bischoff put together the two factions headed by Bischoff himself and Hulk Hogan to try and get back some of the glory of the Monday Night Wars.But the fans never took to it and about a month later, the New Blood / Millionaires Club angle was canned.IMO it really depends on which stars are involved in the factions in TNA's version if it's going to work or not.

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