
What do you think about The Vatican saying it's OK for followers to believe in Aliens from other worlds.?

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I find it strange that The Vatican would release such a statement out of the blue like that. Is there something they're trying to tell us indirectly? Does The Vatican hold some secrets about Life outside of our world? Are they prepared to reveal the existance of Alien visiting Earth? Do they have proof?




  1. A load of rubbish! If you believe in God stick  to it I say.  Even if there was Im sure it would have been revealed already and properly that there are REALLY aliens out there!

    I think he himself doesnt know and is being silly. People may have a diff view.

  2. They don't mind as long as they share the same God....

  3. I don't think it is trying to tell us anything, especially as a comment from a Vatican astronomer. He knows what other astronomers from any religion know, that there are many stars which could have planets and life. There is no proof, no claim such life visited Earth, and no official Vatican ban on believing in it.

  4. It's only logical; the possibility of extraterrestrial life is not addressed in Scripture, Tradition has nothing to say about it, and Reason doesn't give us a definitive answer.  

    Therefore, the faithful are free to speculate as they choose.

    There is no secret hidden in the Vatican about this.

  5. I wonder if the Aliens are Pedophiles also?

  6. I wonder whether the aliens believe we exist, or whether they think they are the only ones.

  7. Your question is somewhat slanted.  

    The Vatican statement just says it is no problem should alien life forms inhabit the universe outside Earth.

    "Followers" and "belief" are skewed figments of you own mind.-set, tending to lay a dogmatic authority to a casual observation.

  8. Where is your link?  I find this really hard to believe.  Next Pope, maybe.  Not this one.

  9. As long as they put money in the collection plate, it's all ok.

  10. Why not? If people want to have abortions they go right ahead and have it, despite what the Vatican says.

    Now you are upset because he says its ok to believe in the possibility of alien life?

    They don't have any more knowledge about aliens than you do. Its not about aliens as such but what you may believe.

  11. I say it's about time someone in a high position finally admitted it. There is so much more to GOD's world than most people are even aware of.  Does anyone really think we're the only ones?  By denying the things you don't understand you limit yourself.  GOD is not limited.  Just because it's not mentioned in the Bible doesn't mean it doesn't exist.  We can hardly grasp the concept of "love thy neighbor as thyself", do you think GOD's world is limited to a 2-inch book?  Open your mind!!!

  12. Ti's silly  like leprechaun's in Ireland

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