
What do you think about Thomas Malthus and his theories? What recognition is he given, then and now?

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  1. Don't know what to say really.

                                      Only my own opinion, which is really worth not a lot.

                                              Here it is:-

    He basically felt the worlds population was getting out of control, bearing in mind this was 1760 something, he showed great foresight.

                                                 He was correct, he felt there was no way the world could continue for ever feeding this expanse of incoming folk.

                                                    The Communist party at that time said he was talking rubbish.

                                                         Now I think the Chinese have restricted the birth rate?

                                                     What recognition is he given today?

    As far as I am aware he is rarely mentioned.

                                                       I am from the UK, I have 3 kids, no longer kids but almost old folk!!

                                                        I dont recall getting anything from anyone to raise them, look at the situation now!

                                                           The more kids you have the more benifits you get, I pay towards  that lot!!  Why do I ? I am anti religious I dont think s*x is meant for procreation only.                                                     s*x? Have as much as you like, but pay for any offspring your self, dont ask for my help!  I cant afford it.

                                          That feels better, glad to get that off my chest!

                                               Wonder whats on TV?                                                        


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