
What do you think about Tiger Woods cussing that photographer out?

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What do you think about Tiger Woods cussing that photographer out?




  1. Is it me, or are photographer's just plain rude?  From the paparazzi not knowing when enough's enough, to the sports guys clicking away in someones backswing, or in their eyes while they're trying to shoot free throws.

      There are some realy good, considerate photographers, but it seems like it's that case of a few bad apples spoiling the bunch.

      Too bad Tiger didn't whip that guys a$$ an make an example out of him, but I imagine he's too much of a gentleman to do something like that....

  2. I am truly surprised that is all he did.  If you or I where in that same situation and literally had as much riding on that moment as Tiger did, could we really have controlled ourselves if someone did something as incosiderate and rude as snap a picture during your swing.

    I am not a golfer on that level so I cannot understand the level of concentration it must take in order to pull off the shot you need when you need it.  It must be a terrible distraction and when someone has such a lack of regard for you and shows a complete disrespect for you in such a manner could you control your out burst. I would venture to say that I would have something to say as well.

  3. With as much as tiger gets photographed, this shouldnt be that big of a deal.  The photographer was in the wrong, and should respect the game and the player more than he did.  Take pictures of Tiger when he is winning, which is pretty often, and not when he is trying to catch up and focus on the last 5 holes or whatever.  Besides, those guys deserve much worse, they are vultures.  I have actually seen people cuz tiger out for not letting them photograph him and his wife so fair is fair in my book.  Let the guy be a legend and stop trying to get him to hit you geez!

  4. If you watch him play, you see him utter swear words all the time.   Not a very good role model.   Last weekend, I read his lips after missing a putt...first he said "G.D.", then S.O.B. as he was walking up to his ball.   I've also heard him swear many times .... hes not very impressive linguistically.

  5. First and foremost, we are experiencing the excitement of witnessing a player that is on the cusp of shattering golf records that for many years were thought to be insurmountable. Also, I have admired Tigers game from the beginning. Lately, I have begun to get aggrevated by him and his behavior. The whole photo thing bugs me because he has bragged in the past about how his Father, god rest his soul, would jingle the change in his pocket during his backswing as a child to help him focus. Certainly a camera shutter isnt as loud as that. Does he swear and have a fit when an airplane flies over? To defend it, I get pissy when someone makes noise in my swing so I know it is a distraction. But guess what, at this stage in the game, dealing with cameras should be dealt with the same as playing in incliment weather, practice and prepare. Holy christ, he's complained for the last several years about it, learn to play around it. Again in his defense, the PGA should require cameras that have silent shutters such as digitals or at least have a camera area a certain distance away to lessen the noise. In closing, his swearing is mostly accredited to his intense competitive natural whereas anyone else that does it is considered a hot head and has poor sportsmanship, which is a double standard. None of us can put ourselves in his shoes, the pressure is enormous and probably is finally catching up to him. The game, the endorsements, parenthood, the many business ventures he is involved in, so its probably not wise to even delve into all of this anyway. Peace.

  6. well its not the first time tiger has done it in his 11 or 12 years on tour. i never played golf but i realize it takes a lot of concentration and focus especially when you are going through your backswing. i think at that juncture in the tournament tiger was making one of those charges and he was starting to feel momentum. but one bad swing and poof there went the streak. i mean he wasnt playing that well in the tournament to begin with and you certainly cant blame the photographer. but i think people who want to take a pic of Tiger have to have some class and etiquette. take a pic of him after the swing.

  7. hes getting out of hand. too much money and fame gets to you sometimes. now we know hes human.

  8. Chill out???? This is his livelihood.  The photographer, if he was a professional, should know better.  Most times T.W. doesn't mind being photographed.  But at a crucible time?  T.W. probably knew he would not catch up, but he really gives his all when he stalking.  With him anything is nearly possible.  And then to hear a snap............the PICTURE TAKER  was wrong.

  9. How would you like it if someone did something to annoy you on the job and the end result is that it cost you several hundred thousands of dollars? Look at the money between 1st and second place. People that yell during a swing or click there cameras should be removed from the course. Cost me that kind of money and I would want to beat you with my club. People need to use there head.

  10. Photographers need to understand that a golfer does not have a team to pick up the slack for them if they s***w up a shot.  So, if one needs a chastising then who better than the # 1 golfer in the world?

  11. I have no problem with it.  How could a photographer at a golf tournament NOT know to not snap pictures during a someone's swing.  What an idiot?!  Being quiet is THE most basic form of proper golf etiquette.  And photographers tick me off anyway.  They have no cooth whatsoever, whether its shamelessly hounding celebrities around the town or engulfing the players when they're trying to celebrate a victory.   They're just a classless bunch in my opinion.

  12. I've seen Tiger and he's a big guy...he and Stevie could have done worse.  Camera should be banned from the golf course. His entire tourament can live and die on that one swing and if he needs to concerntrate and you break it by doing something illegal....well.

  13. Tiger is not in the wrong because, like many others have said, the photographers know they are not supposed to take a picture during any golfer's backswing.  It is a privilege, not a right, for them to be on the golf course with Tiger and the other PGA golfers.  I agree, athlete's tend to swear a lot in this day and age but this is not the only sport that catches athletes cussing in front of spectators.  It happens all the time in football, baseball, and basketball and we don't complain in that arena!  They are saying things to each other that would make any parent cover their children's ears immediately.  Most people don't understand golf etiquette so they don't think it is a big deal when the photographer makes the snapping noise in a golfer's backswing.  These people don't understand the concentration it takes.  Moreover, the difference between golf and baseball, where fans are screaming while a batter is trying to hit a 90 mph cutting fastball, is that the environment has been the same for baseball since it was created.  Tiger doesn't need to chill out, the photographers need to get their heads out of their a$$es when they step on the course. Tiger could have reacted differently, as in he could have physically assaulted the photographer or done something Bobby Knight would be proud of.  Instead, he had some choice words and went on his way.  He didn't keep reminding the cameramen after each hole because he had to refocus after that jacka$$ ruined his tempo on his par 3 tee shot.

  14. As much as I love Tiger, he needs to chill out.

  15. The photographer was in the wrong; however,  I also believe that a "Pro" should be able to focus on their shot amongst distractions.  The practice more than the average joes and should be able to pull it off anyways.  

    In this day and age where digital photography is so prominent, why is it not possible to turn the "shutter" sound off in the camera.  This combined with the flash being turned off should solve the possibility of a possible accident like we witnessed this past weekend.  

    Understand that there is pressure to perform well during every tournament that Tiger enters.  I think his responce was valid.  He wants to win as bad as the next guy (maybe more) and it would not be fair if the only camera clicks were during his swing.

  16. I never understood how this effects him, but sounds on nature doesn't. I also never understood how this effects him, but a baseball player hitting a ball coming 90MPH with thousands of flashes has no effect on them.

    I love Tiger, but he acts like a huge p***y when he does this and he only acts when he is losing. If this was any Joe Smoe on tour, he would be disciplined. Tiger needs to be too.

  17. Stop condoning his vulgar outburst, which allegedly included breaking someone's neck the next time a photographer interrupts him.

    Who hasn't been interrupted at bad times during work?  Get over it.  Anyone who has had a real job has experienced it!  People need to stop making excuses for celebrities.

    Some responses have mentioned etiquette on the part of photographers, but give Woods a free pass.  Golf is a gentleman's game and Woods' language and etiquette is unprofessional.

    This is not the first time he has yelled out obscenities.  I doubt it will be the last.  How's that for etiquette?

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