
What do you think about Trinidad And Tobago Vision 20/20 ?

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Manning really taking us on a 20/20 vision.The only,thing about this,it's only a vision and would stay a vision.The only reality about this dream,it's your dream and the people's nightmare.Why don't you,at least have a few breaks in between your dream,so that we can escape from it?When you awake the righteous act would be for you to resign.Take all the money while you are awake,because in your dreams,you would take everything.This is the word of the rightful thinking people,not the die-hards.enjoy my trinbagonians...worst is yet to come in the coming years...more food shortages while money will be wasted on trains, planes and automobiles.Ladies and Gentlemen, I cannot imagine that in a wealthy Country like T&T people have to steal food this way! With escalating prices like these how can a poor man feed his children? I guess they can spend the "JET MONEY" on feeding the poor and destitute! A hungry man is an angry man.




  1. Pepper, more and more i thing that you are Roger. and for once i have to agree with Roger cause we all know that Vision 20/20 is more a dream than anything else.  and the possibility of it coming thru is slim.

    However, please, lets not talk about PM's stuffing they pockets with taxpayers money cause then i would have to remind you about the ten million dollar bank account that it have in London.

  2. it's more like a fairy tail  so ain't gonna happen unless manning stop buying blimps and stuffing his pocket with our tax money and then go jump of a cliff or something

  3. It is a nightmare..not a vision,..WAT bout thr hospital..nothing is being donr about it,..and they planing to buy a jet..theybetter wear some bullet poof vest form now on

  4. For once, I hadda agree wid u Roger... Vision 20/20 soundin more like dream 20/20..wishful thinkin 20/20 cuz we all kno it not goin & happen.. Manning is full of sh*t...sorry to say... never in a day would I think I would see Trinis looting food??? Dat is not ting yuh does see in Trinidad.. in African countries yea..but not in Trinidad..

  5. I agree with friggy and roger. Progress too slow.

  6. ROger dread dat vision cokieye LMAO !!  We all have to go Cuba to fix it ..... in we jet LOL ....but wait we eh have no jet sh it forget dat we go use the Blimp all ah board !!!!

  7. wey boi roger. never i thought i would see de day tht i agree wid yuh

    manning need to stop using his anal eyes and mind and start thinkin wid de one god give him on top of his neck.

    havin a train system in trini is cool but not until we tend to more pressing matters like homeless kids, food and the poor, hospitals and orphans. that money could help improve the country in better ways. only after we fix these little problems then we can focus on the trains planes cars and whatever else manning want. so for me de 20/20 vision a lil screwed up

    manning also needs to take his head out his *** and see it from the poor man's perspective

    cuz we will nevr be a first world country if we dont sort the poor sick and homeless out before attempting to gain the almost impossible

  8. I think Vision 20/20 is a figment of Manning's already warped imagination.

    Why allyuh asking the man to resign when he now renovate his castle and about to ride in luxury?

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