
What do you think about a 7 yr old who attacks other children?

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I have two kids ages 8 & 9 and I have seen temper tatrums, arguements, etc. from kids of different ages, but this takes the cake. My son, a neighbor kid and my boyfriend's son, all are 7-8 years old are playing video games. My daughter is watching. I clarified the turn rotation for the game and there was no verbal arguing, everything seemed fine. Next thing I know my boyfriend's kid is attacking the neighbor's kid with a toy and a remote, hitting him continuously up side the head. I pulled him off and made him calm down on the couch. He lied and said the other kid hit him first, big lie, there were witnesses. My boyfriend's son sat on the other boy's lap for no reason and refused to get off so the boy pushed him off. That's when he got up, picked up the remote and toy and started hitting him in the head over and over. What do you think about this type of behavior? He doesn't even feel bad about what he did or hurting the kid.




  1. sounds like he has some anger issues. Have you seen him snap like that before or throw temper tantrums?? Was there a bad break up or divorce between his mom and dad or something tramatic in his life??? Hes at a young enough age that he could really benefit from some outside help..

  2. I had a similiar situation in my house with a good friend her son did exactly what your boyfriends son did to that boy... he continuously hit my son in the head with the game controller!! horrible! and this was 2 years ago and i have never invited her back to my house .

  3. Put him on a leash and give him a rabies shot.

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