
What do you think about a Pisces...?

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B-day March 11th!




  1. I'm a pisces and many people say that i'm random. I easily get depressed. When i'm mad i'm really quiet . Sometimes i can be really shy and i love to observe people . I daydream a lot, sometimes i forget whats real  and whats not.  I enjoy seeing things the way i want to see it and i'm really naive,gulliable and easily misled. I love listening to peoples problems and helping them solve them. I change my mind a lot and i'm not really motivated about anything.  I can be really sensitive . I'm selfless, i care a lot about other people and i'll put myself on the line to help someone else.

  2. They are very sensitive. Because they are in touch with themselves and their environment, they are prone to psychic abilities. You can usually find them daydreaming about far off places.

    I know - I'm engaged to one.

  3. im a pisces and i think other pisces are pretty cool mainly just because we are both the same sign lol. but ya i just wanted to say one time my friend had 2 scratch off cards and he only picked one of them to scratch off and he gave it to me and i won 20 dollars so... ya im sweet. haha. but ya i guess we r pretty lucky id say :)

  4. They are good people. They tend to be creative and artistic. Every pisces I have ever known has been good in art, writing, or both. They get quiet when they are angry or troubled about something. They value harmony.


    In response to the psychic ability thing, my husband once joked around and randomly called out the winning lottery numbers on TV with a room full of people. Everyone, including my husband, went nuts.  Unfortunately, he hadn't bought a lottery ticket and to this day has never had the same type of luck.


    But anyways I think we are rather cool. I get along  with everyone but Im quite the contradiction to all this compatiblity. I get along great with Sag, Gemini, and Aries in relationships. Im the flirty type and most guys love how girly I am. Im also very studious , getting good grades in school. I was able to graduate early.

    Over all we are fun people and a joy to be around.We can get emotional sometimes but we can also hide our feelings when necesarry. Which is majority of the time for me lol. We love anything with water.

    Here some more info on us:

    March 11 Birthday Astrology

    A Pisces born on March 11 has the temperament of an artisan. These gentle yet determined souls follow a personal path throughout life. They are drawn to extremes, and whether or not these have a positive effect, March 11 people will learn the lessons they need to learn. They are sticklers for truth.

    You should embrace: Fascination, enchantment, mystery

    You should avoid: Distractions, pettiness, worry

    Friends and Lovers

    March 11 people command love and

    affection from friends. They are experts at being able to bring disparate people into the same orbit. As lovers, they can be demanding. They have specific ideas about what they want and are not flexible about change. If a romantic relationship breaks up, they may have a hard time moving on.

    Children and Family

    March 11 individuals maintain a cordial, if somewhat distant, relationship with family members, though they possess a deep respect for the values that guided their development as children. They want to give their youngsters a strong spiritual base, as well as providing exposure to life's intangible values.


    March 11 men and women appreciate the need to protect their health by preserving harmony in all areas of life. Putting aside time for reflection and meditation helps them retain their emotional and physical equilibrium. They derive inner peace from getting in touch with their core self.

    Career and Finances

    People born on this date are not particularly career-driven, though they do have a need to express their values and views by way of their profession. They often have a careless, even irresponsible, attitude toward money.

    Dreams and Goals

    March 11 individuals are committed to finding inner peace. They have pacifist tendencies yet are quietly heroic. They want to succeed in life yet are aware that success can be measured in many ways. Remaining true to their spiritual compass is a major issue for them.

  6. sun sign is not the accurate measure of behavior. It is the moon that controls the mind and hence the behavior.

    Pisces born women are supposed to make very good wives.

    Born in the end of sign they can easily suffer from hallucination and problems in their feet along with their veins.

    Married life of pisces ascendant is mostly bad compared to other signs, in spite of being an excellent spouse themselves.



  7. they like to victimize themselves

  8. They are cool. I have a Pisces son.

  9. Pretty sensitive to me.Too shy.Maybe since I am a Leo and their nature is the opposite of my fiery one.

    Good people after all.

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