
What do you think about a green funeral/burial? Where is this option available?

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What do you think about a green funeral/burial? Where is this option available?




  1. its available anywhere where you can have a lawyer present to sign your will and leave everything in your name to an environmental charity.

  2. What exactly is a green burial? If it just putting the body back into the earth, I don't think it is an option. You might be able to Google it and see what the laws are on burials.I know my uncle chose to be creamated and wanted his ashes spread at a public park.We could not even do that legally, so we had to go back at night and do it so know one would see us.

  3. I think it sounds like an interesting idea.

    The Green Burial Council ( ) has a wealth of information on green funerals, including information about providers.

    You might also want to check out the book Grave Matters: A Journey Through the Modern Funeral Industry to a Natural Way of Burial. See for more information. To find libraries near you who have the book, see .

    I also found some posts on the topic at Treehugger. The most recent include:

    TreeHugger Picks: Going Out In Green Style

    The Green Goodbye

    Death Becomes Her: Dr G. to Get Green Morgue

    Jute in Time for a Green Funeral Revival

    I hope this helps. If you have any questions or need more information, please let me know.

    Laura L. Barnes, MSLIS

    Illinois Waste Management and Research Center Library

  4. You aren't supposed to drink the bong water.

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