
What do you think about a woman for president (not Hilary) some time in the future??

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Ok, I want to know what your honest opinion about having a woman for a president is. Would you be afraid she'd engage in a nuclear war on a day when she has pms?

We all know that women tend to be emotional. Could we trust a woman to make clear decisions, and to be able to project the right image of who we are as a Nation to other countries?

This is just curiosity question, really. I want to see what you all think about this. Thank you bunches!!




  1. I don't buy any of that PMS nonsense. We've had women in office for years, and nobody has noticed when they've had it, if they have. Besides, we've had a man in the Oval Office for the last eight years, and look how that turned out.

  2. Only humans with male genitalia have ever dropped nuclear bombs.  

  3. I am English we have already had a woman Prime Minister its no big deal.

  4. Aren't you afraid that a man would engage in nuclear war in a fit of rage? We all know that men tend to be emotional (if you haven't heard of any of McCain's out-of-control outbursts of rage, you haven't been paying attention).

    Can we trust men to make clear decisions, and be able to project the right image on who we are to other countries?

    Whoever told you that all women are compltely irrational (and all men completely rational) was lying to you. Of course, anyone with more than one functionin brain cell would have realized how absurd the lie was.

    Uh, it's MEN who can procreate at any age, not women. Why would it be good for a father to not be a father to his babies, but unthinkable for a woman to not be 24 hour care taker of her gorwn children?

    Obviously, no woman who ran for president would be the sort that thinks no woman should ever be allowed free use of her own mind.

    Everyone with sense realizes that PEOPLE vary, as to their aptitudes and personalities; thus, some people are more suited to the presidency than others. It's simply not true that all men are so suited, or that no women are.

    If you knew anything at all about the rest of the world, you'd have known about the many female heads of state. That many Americans still say no woman should ever be considered for president is one of the things that leads civilized and reasonable people to dspise Americans.

  5. If some woman was that unstable durring PMS, I think it would be known before she got to the point of being president. I would be all for a woman president if we agreed on the issues. However not Hillary. I don't buy that emotional stereotype. Just more sexism.

  6. Two of them crossed my mind as I was reading the question: Nancy(?) Pelosi, Speaker of the House, and Secretary of State Condeliza Rice. 'Nuff said.

  7. It depends on their view on issues for me. I wouldn't have a prom voting for a girl

  8. If she is the better qualified Republican candidate I'd give her consideration.

    Lord knows the pick'ns have been slim the last few elections, this having to choose 'The Least Bad ' candidate is just not cool.

  9. Well then I guess women shouldn't have kids because they might kill them, PMS is a b*tch right?  shouldn't drive, we'd end up smashing our cars into someone cause we felt funny. shouldn't cook, Fire, Knives...NO. Really shouldn't leave the house when were PMSing. Your acting like we turn into lunatics. Cmon, if you think a woman should never be president, thats fine. Your allowed your beliefs, but using PMS as a reason is really uhhh, out there.

    Also why don't you look at all of the positive things that you or any woman can accomplish. You seem to have an idea of what women are in your head. Are we good? Do we have helpful, insightful qualities?

    Edit** Aww Thanks and your welcome!

  10. Would she be any different to Thatcher?

    She was a Man/Woman

  11. it will never happen

  12. female president yea. hilary no.

  13. I think that having a woman president in the future would be a great idea.  But we'll never know until we have one, will we?

  14. I personally wouldn't mind a female president as long as she is qualify, work hard to earn her way there, doesn't play the gender card and isn't a feminist.

  15. I believe a woman would make an excellent president.  Woman have more of an understanding side which, by nature, wants to sit down and understand the reasoning of the person or situation.  Yes, they are more emotional, but when you are talking about thousands dying from hunger or AIDS, shouldn't that be an emotional topic?  And, one thing which most women leaders would have in common would be a sense of family and doing what is best for them, and therefore the country.

    A woman would make an excellent leader - after all, we've actually been the leader of the household for years!

  16. For me the candidate's gender isn't the issue.  It's the policies she espouses.  I would never support Hillary because she would return this country down the disastrous road of her husband's administration.  But if we had a candidate of the quality and convictions of Britain's Margaret Thatcher, I would support her in an instant.

  17. it would definitely depend on who it was like ann colter would be a good one

  18. It would depend on their platform.  I have no problem with a female president!!!!!

  19. I would have no problem with the "right!" female president.

    Not Hillary she is Bill's tool and they are a fake, sham political family. Cant stand them. Dont know why any girl would like her. Her husband humillated her nation wide while in the Whitehouse and she is still with him!!! why would i want a weak person like that for president!

    I would want a women that is level headed from a hard working background.... also i agree with whoever said no feminist. I wouldnt want a leader that hates my gender and thinks men are the cause of all their problems. Besides that im all for it.

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