
What do you think about abortion in cases where the women say they are suicidal?

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Some countries allow abortion in cases where the women threaten suicide. What do you think of the fact that pregnancy can make people feel suicidal, and do you think it is an appropriate response to make an exception in abortion law? :-)




  1. I'm pro-choice and believe that abortion should be legal, period.  

    I do believe this should be an exception, if you use the 'logic' of the forced pregnancy contingent.  After all, if the woman dies then she'll take the fetus with her.  Either way, the fetus won't make it.  If she is granted an abortion, she may be able to churn out more babies later.

  2. well if they commit suicide then the babys dead anyway

    Pro choice

  3. If she's willing to kill her baby, and it is a baby, then why not just let her kill herself also?

  4. Abortion should be legal and available to every woman who needs/wants one. Period. End. Finito.

  5. I don't like it when society gives in to peoples demands because they threaten to kill themselves, it sends a bad message in my opinion

    Edit- Realy lala, im not the father of my children? God just came down and put him in my wives utures or a stork or something? She just spontaneously got pregnant on her own? Men will always take an interest in abortion because, at the end of the day, ITS OUR CHILDREN TOO

  6. Whether someone is pro-choice or pro-life, the first responsibility towards anyone who is suicidal or who has expressed an intent to commit suicide is to get them help.

    While I am pro-choice, no one should have to make such a decision while they are suicidal. Counselling the mother and keeping her from harming herself needs to be the number one priority.

  7. I'm sure that they would have a psychiatrist's look at her mental state first. Anything can make someone feel suicidal. I have mixed feelings on abortion. I used to think it was okay with the exception of women who get them all the time. Now I realize that it is just part of a bigger scheme. The depopulation of the planet.Some countries just haven't been as convinced on the topic as others have. I do not think it appropriate to have an abortion for that reason. If it's true they need to put her in a safe place to be watched until and after she has the baby.

  8. i find it sad when it comes to that.

  9. I am therefore, I don't believe that a woman should have to justify her decision, provided she undergoes the procedure within 8 weeks of her pregnancy.

    I do find it ridiculous and hypocritical, however, for pro-lifers to make exceptions to their rules.  If they believe that abortion is murder, then no excuse in the world should justify it.

  10. Yes pregnancy can make some women feel suicidal, but so can the after effects of abortion when they find they made a mistake and can't turn back the clock. Also any woman can say she feels suicidal, whether she does or not, just to get the abortion.

  11. first of all- lets get this out there, if you are a man, you have absolutely no right whatsoever to even sound in on this topic, this is something that you will never be able to comprehend because youre not a woman.

    second-every woman is her own best judge when it comes to her body, its your right, and you have the right to an abortion if thats what you see is best for you and that unborn child. no one else is going to help you raise it and make life desicions for you, you should be in charge of your life and what goes on in it. no one can judge and say "oh but its murder". the procedure exists and is legal for a reason.

    women-we all needd to be aware of the choices we have, never let someone tell you what to do in your life when it comes to sensitive subjects like this.

    never judge someone-you never know what life will bring you.

  12. anyone who says they are prochoice is just trying to find a nice, appropriate way to say that they agree with the idea of killing innocent babies.  They make the choice to have s*x and to put themselves in a vulnerable poistion.  Even if it is rape, the women should not be selfish and give the child its fair chance to life. what if your mom had an abortion with you? this mass killing of innocent babies is getting out of control.  women are becoming so selfish and thinking of only themselves.  if a women is feeling suicidial, she should spare her innocent child, give it up for adoption, and than do whatever she wants with her useless life.

  13. Abortions are entirely up to the woman involved.  

    It is not the govern'ments business, it is not your business, and it is not mine.  If there is a God and he/she has a problem with it, he/she will handle it.  



  14. i love these responses > lock her up, let her kill herself, put her in a coma >>> jesus, no healthy baby is gonna come out of any of that! :-) but yes, the woman would be sufficiently punished and that's all that matters


    i forgot - suicide is a sin isn't it, so we definitely shouldn't be helping a woman who feels this way

  15. abortion should be legal in the first trimester. period.

    [wow, rosebud is so pro-life, & such a loving person.

    god forbid she ever knows what it feels like to be viciously raped & then on top of that anguish, fear being empregnated by the seed of a sociopathic monster.]

  16. She should be held in a comatose state for about 9 months or until the baby is born and should be allowed to go free after her usefulness for the baby is over and it can survive without her.  

    She may not suicide since she is not pregnant anymore.

  17. The only reason any women will feel suicidal is because of depression. But maybe the women will feel she cannot take care of the child, so maybe she would want to kill herself and it to end both's pain. But, if it goes either way, someone is going to die. So maybe the woman should just give birth and give the child up for aboption.

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