
What do you think about abortion

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is right because it's not a baby


is it wrong because it is a living thing




  1. It is not a baby until it is able to live outside the womb.  It is better to have an abortion than to have an unwanted baby.

    Abortion used to be illegal in the US, but it was always legal in Czechoslovakia: they called it a "canceled Czech".

  2. My views on abortion are strictly for myself as I could not perform this act on my own mind and body.  It is each person's right however, whether they could actually go through with this procedure or not.  Our Government should NOT be involved in the decision making process.

    I grew up during the time where we were fighting for abortion rights.  I might remind everyone here, that before it was legalized in the present State's, MOST would be getting the "back alley illegal abortions" that led to many horendous deaths or actual harm to the mother.  This right is not only about "abortion".  People  must be very careful when fighting against the present ruling, as many other "rights" are also involved.

    It is a PERSONAL DECISION, which many do not even have to comprehend never going through such a decision.

  3. infanticide. no two ways around it.

    when you stop a beating human heart, tear miniature legs and arms off a torso, rip a tiny head off a neck...

    have fun in h**l pro-deathers

  4. I used to say that since I do not have the plumbing to have a baby it is none of my business. Since then I have married and my wife and I desperately wanted children... My wife has lost 4 babies including one set of twins.... Now I say abortion is murder pure and simple. The USA is guilty of a holocaust that puts Hitler's to shame. It is a beating heart that is stopped not a choice.

  5. very inhuman  

  6. We speak of the atrocities of the n**i Dr.s who performed horrible acts during WWII. but think nothing of an American Dr. killing an unborn child. Anyone who performs such an act should spend the rest of his life in prison.

  7. It's not right however you want to look at it but it's still a woman's choice.  Only if the woman is not doing it as a form of birth control.

  8. Population of the world may increase to point The Planet cannot sustain it. Already there are problems with clean drinking water in Africa. This occurs for reasons of corruption and tyranny it is true but also for population reasons. The other portions of the planet will increase as well.This means that cannibalism due to lack of food will be prevelant. As to living things wars must cease then as wars kill many living things.   Destruction of Oil Refineries and airports helps end wars as oil a factor.   Civic Currency and abortion ways to help with such problems.

  9. I personally don't believe in abortion and think it should be illegal, except in certain cases of rape, incest, extreme abnormalities of the child, or high risk of death to the mother. I don't believe that abortion should be used as a political issue among candidates, because neither party has the right answer on the subject. The democrats say they are for the women's right to choose, but lets face it murder is murder. I believe the morning after pill should be allowed and there are countless other contraceptives to prevent pregnancy in the first place. Our children should be taught about being responsible and safe and I see nothing wrong with s*x education coupled with a parent raising their own child and teaching them right from wrong.

    Now lets look at the Republicans: They are against abortion, against the morning after pill, against s*x education, they supposedly love children and are the supposedly the party of religion and morals. But lets face the facts after the child is born(the only alternative they give) then they sure as h**l don't want their tax dollars going to support that mother or child which they supposedly love so much. So that mother and child would be left to fend for themselves on the street or in a bread line.

    So the answer to your question is: abortion is an individual's moral issue to be decided upon by the persons involved, you can't legislate morality. Lets keep it out of the political arena, because lets face it the government cannot solve people's problems, and I personally don't want them involved in our day to day lives.

  10. It stops a beating heart !!

    It is WRONG !!



  11. It is wrong and it is like killing an innocent baby because of his/her motehr stupid mistake.

  12. It's at least as horrible as rape.

  13. Abortion should be legal, safe, and rare.  But that would mean making birth control and knowledge about s*x available and the right-wing nut jobs just aren't going to allow that to occur.

  14. It's the persons Decisoion if they shouldn't have to keep the baby if they can't/don't want to go through with it. It's not even a living thing yet if its not farther into the pregnency! And what if they are trying NOT to have a baby becuse they aren't ready! And you know it's the persons decision! they should have a right to do what they want to do! Thats my opinion. and people shouldn't have to if they don't want to. ANYONE DISAGREE, POO ON YOU!

  15. I think its wrong because its a living being and i would not support abortion at all because not only are you killing a human fetus you are also damaging the birth canal, which can scar you permanantly.

  16. I think it is very open, but always down to the woman involved primarily.

  17. it's not that simple. People who speak in sound bites really dont know anything till someone tells them what to think.

    It's an option thats all.

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