
What do you think about abortion?

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Here's my thoughts on abortion. What do you think?

This is a topic that I've wanted to write about for a long time. Abortion is considered a risque subject. I'm not going to beat around the bush. I am going to come right out and say it: Yes, I am pro-abortion, pro-choice and however else you want to describe it. I favor killing the unborn. But before you stop reading because you think I am a disgusting, murderer, please read on and listen to what I have to say.

Now the opponents to abortion consider themselves pro-life. Pro-life, to me, is a meaningless term. You want to know why? Because pro-lifers are the same people that support the death penalty. Kind of contradictory, don't you think? I think that if these people were really pro-life, they wouldn't allow anyone to die. The only ones they seem to care about though, are the unborn. But what about the humans that are already born? What about them? These pro-lifers don't seem to care about them, do they? Look at all the starving children we have in the country. They're homeless and hungry, but nobody cares about them. Nobody wants to sign a law that would make it illegal for them to go hungry. But they do want a law banning abortion. To me, abortion is a way of cleaning up a mess before it becomes a bigger mess; a way to stop the pain before it gets worse. Because life is a lot of pain, don't you agree? I think of abortion as a way out for the little fella who doesn't know what he's getting into. Even though it isn't his fault, I still think it's best if he isn't brought into a world where he is not wanted.

Now who is to say that the child will be better off alive? The mother doesn't want it, she can barely take care of herself, let alone a child. Is she capable of taking care of the child? Most likely not. In some cases, the mother will go berserk and leave the child in a dumpster somewhere, or try flushing it down the toilet. Pretty disgusting, eh? I agree. I think both of those things are worse than abortion. I say kill the child before it faces the real suffering, before he faces any real pain at all. Now I bet someone is thinking “there is always adoption.” You're right. There is. BUT how is that a solution? Can you guarantee the child will be better off in a foster home? Will he be fed and taken care of the way he deserves to be? What happens when the child finds out he is adopted? Won't that bother him? Knowing that he wasn't wanted? I bet you he will face some psychological problems in result of an adoption.

Now back to these pro-lifers. The pro-lifers want a bigger mess, and don't want to feed all the hungry and homeless children in this country. Why not? You'd think that if they were pro-life, they would care about all life, wouldn't you say so? All they seem to care about is the un-born. Now as the late, great George Carlin stated so well: If you're pre-born, you're fine but if you're pre-school, you're ******. What does this mean? It means that once the child is born, the pro-life conservatives do not want to know who he is. They don't want to provide welfare, food-stamps, housing, education, nothing. They don't want to hear about him until he reaches military age: 18. Then they think he is just fine, just what they were looking for. They want to ship him overseas to fight meaningless wars (that these ignorant a*****e conservatives think we can win), where he will die just to protect their cowardly asses and their valuables. Does that sound like pro-life to you? I think what they should be saying is: we are pro-life, we decide who lives or dies.

Another thing about these conservatives that I have a problem with, is that they claim they want to keep government off your back. However, they feel it is alright for them to worry about what goes on in a woman's uterus. They want to make abortion illegal and they want to prosecute the doctors that perform these illegal abortions. Now, what about the mishandled abortions? There are a lot of those. They aren't performed correctly, and the mother and/or child end up dying. And this happens why? Because they do not have the tools at their disposal to do the job right. They are hiding out in back alleys or doing it in the mother's bedroom. This needs to be done in a hospital room, legally. If they are pro-life, you'd think they'd care about the mother and the child, right? So why not make the abortions legal so they can be performed in a hospital under sanitary conditions so they can at least save the mother's life. Why save the mother's life? Well she's not ready for a child yet, but someday she might be. She will be able to produce a healthy child with the means to take care of him. And she won't have to worry about applying for welfare or food stamps, either. Because everybody knows, conservatives don't approve of those things.

I want to delve into another subject for a moment before I close: homophobia. Why are these conservative a******s against g**s? Who has less abortions




  1. no matter what, you gotta go all the way. Can parents kill their children, yes or no?

  2. Here is the difference between abortion and the death penalty.

    One life is innocent, they other life has no respect for others lives.

    I will let you figure out which one is which.

    As far as the rest of your question, you make too many assumptions. You categorize people, therefore proving you have no wish to listen to a reasonable response. You have already made your decisions on this issue without giving it any thought. So there is no point in trying to make you think.

  3. pro-life or pro-choice? it will be with us for a long time. however, the worst part is when it is used as birth control. are people that ignorant? if you do not want a child, use protection.  

  4. Abortion is murder.

  5. abortion is murder,in this day and age if you don't want to be pregnant use protection. The DNA is different so it isn't her body that we are talking about. To say pro life are hypocrites because we believe some crimes deserve death,there is a big difference between innocent life and guilty . and some how your not a hypocrite because you believe in killing a child,but want to let violent and dangerous people being poor is a readon to be put to death?,there is no constitutional right to kill a baby,the supreme court made a political decision on abortion,on a fraudulent claim.i got a better idea,lets provide sterilazation for people that get abortions,or better off yet,since you think being poor is too much for people to stand,give sterilazation to all poor people.

  6. I'll answer your long-winded question full of common misconceptions about conservatives like this:

    Aborting a viable fetus is mudering an innocent human.

    Executing a murderer is murdering a guilty person who obviously has no regard for human life.

  7. There's a lot to address in your addendum's, but to address only your primary question, I, personally, would like to see every abortion clinic in the world close down for lack of use.  With the contraceptive technology we have today there is no reason, other than rape (a separate issue), for an unplanned pregnancy.

    If we really want to reduce abortion we have to deal with two things.  First, the fact that women have the right to the same sexual freedom as have men, which includes the right to be sexually active without fear of pregnancy, and second, that the same people who oppose abortion oppose s*x education and access to birth control.  Those two things are in direct contradiction and until they are reconciled unplanned pregnancies, with all the attendant problems, are going to be a fact of life.  Your reasoning won't convince anyone whose mind is already made, so, for now, you're Preaching to the Choir.  

  8. Killing INNOCENT babies is different than killing CONVICTED murderers.

    There IS a law that says its illegal to stave children its called child abuse. There are enough programs that help feed children so there is no excuse for staving children.

    Trying to "stop the pain" doesn't help by having an abortion most women are affected negatively and are in a lot of great emotional pain after they have an abortion and it doesn't stop, ever!

    All babies are wanted by someone just not by the mother who aborts them.

    And you referred to an unborn baby as a "child" in the third paragraph yet you said you were against the death penalty? If you are calling "it" a child doesn't that mean you believe the child is a person and therefore it shouldn't be killed?

    Pro-lifers do care about children after they are born. Conservatives are only against people that abuse the welfare system not use the system temporarily like it was meant to be.

    George Carlin was an angry man. You sound like an angry person. Just because you had a horrible life doesn't mean that every adopted or none adopted person will have a horrible life. If everyone thought like you than the human race would have been extinct years ago.

    Thank you to all the 18 year olds who have fought for my freedom and the freedom of my children. Oh, and I was wondering how many of you 18 year olds were handcuffed and forced to join the military and how many of you joined because you WANTED to? (Oh, aren't we winning? Maybe I'm watching the wrong news channel. Or maybe you are?)

    Conservatives are not against "g**s" they care for them just like the next person they only hate the SIN they commit. And of course they have less abortions because 2 men or 2 women together is not natural so they CAN'T get pregnant. Did you miss that class in school or did you not attend church?

    How did this world survive over 2000 years without food stamps and cash aid? Churches (yes I'm sorry that probably means Conservatives) helped the poor, OH my! We do actually care for the poor and for over 2000 years!

    Why do you think single mothers can't take care of their children? Most single women do just fine without the government stepping in. You just seem to focus on the few on welfare.

    You want Pro-lifers to be providers too? But you won't let us. The incorrect translation of the Constitution makes sure that the church says out of government when actually it was put there to keep the government out of the churches business. So how can we help when you say you don't want our help?

    I agree with you on one point the name "Pro-Life" but if I'm not mistaken I think that term was made up by Pro-Choicers? I refer to myself as being "against abortion" not Pro-Life. If you want the world to be a "lighter" place then stop having irresponsible s*x! Don't kill a baby because YOU made a mistake!

    WHAT!! Where do you live?? Abortion is legal, unfortunately! Just not late term abortions. Yes, I'm sorry you are not allowed to wait until the BABY has beautiful blue eyes and hiccups in your tummy to decide you want to kill it!

  9. Abortions are already legal.

    I agree with everything you said, anyway.


  10. Abortion have both aspects GOOD & BAD.

    Making abortion legal in INDIA wiil lead to BAD aspects because in INDIA people feel burden in having girl child so they abort girls more which is not only very bad socially but also leads to decrease MAN Vs WOMAN ratio & it will create a new problem against struggling INDIA. Plz don't ask why i called INDIA struggling,it is already known by all of us as POVERTY,POPULATION,CORRUPTIONetc.

    But abortion may be good when it is used after some tragedy like rape.Sorry for using this irritating word.

  11. A criminal act and it should be punish for murder.

  12. I'm a guy so I can't get pregnant or should make a generalised or an opinionated decision on something that will never happen to myself.

    I know that all women are fully counselled before they go though the procedure, it not like they can just walk into a clinic and just get one. It must be hard emotionally on a woman to make this decision or when they are fully pressured by many factors into having an abortion. Its a personal decision which should remain personal and not become a public or political issue.


  13. Abortion should remain legal because our Constitution confers no rights on those not yet born.

    The death penalty is imposed on those who have chosen to take another human life, not on an innocent, unborn child (although it should be abolished for other reasons).

    I don't think that conservatives hate homosexuals because they don't contribute to the abortion rate.  Mostly everyone is pro-life (if not pro-marriage) on the subject of homosexuals.

    The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed thousands of people, but saved many more lives than they cost.  A "good" war--and Iraq is not one--would have that effect.

  14. It’s an emotionally contentious issue that should be focused primarily if not solely upon the mother and child’s welfare, yet it is not. Adopted children are as abused and mistreated as genetic children. Plus the additional emotional trauma of finding you were an unwanted child. I know a man who is as hard and macho as can be. His mother divulged to a circle of ladies she had attempted numerous times to abort him by various means, unsuccessfully. A mean minded parasite relayed to this man his mother had no desire for another child and had attempted to murder him within her womb. I know he was devastated. His entire worth, becoming a self made millionaire et al, was largely based upon the premise that his mother loved and cherished her youngest.

    This and many other reasons lead me to think a nation is as great and respect worthy as they manner it treats its elders and children, those at the mercy of others. The prolonging f a vegetative life for frail elders and the endeavouring to force women to have children they do not want I find morally reprehensible.

    Alas the voice of the wise, sensible and sane are drowned out by the vociferously vocal, with a guilty conscience and an axe to grind .. Tis the nature of mankind ...

  15. abortion is wrong no matter how you look at it and no amount of social injustice is going to change that. there is a great infinite number of arguments that can be made against this but at the end of the day, one thing still stands.

    its still wrong. and no amount of degenerate legislature can change that.

  16. i agree with most of your points. i agree we have too many people on this planet.i also think people should have the right to choose whether or not to keep the child.

  17. This subject is very controversial, we had a discussion of it in or law class and there was many different views.

    My view on the matter is that it should be allowed. But not in all cases.

    If the person wanting the abortion is at a young age and cannot afford or is not responsible enough to look after a child then an abortion is a good thing. But they should only be allowed an abortion once.

    People say that youngsters who get pregnant should be made to have the baby as a form of punishment, but i disagree strongly on this. To punish the person is one thing but to punish a baby before its even born is another. And thats what you would be doing, leaving a baby to be brought up by someone who is not emotionally mature, strong and doesnt have the financial background to afford a baby is punishing the baby, as it will be the one to suffer just as much or even more than the parent.

  18. I think your mother should have had an abortion to save us from having to hear your bullsh*t.  You're an utter moron.

    A.  People have the right to live until they make the decision to kill someone.  Then they deserv to die.

    B.  No one is being forced to go off to war.  They enlisted in the military voluntarily.

    C.  If people aren't capable of caring for a child, they should take precautions.  They don't, because they know if the get pregnant, they can just kill it.

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