
What do you think about abortion??

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I really can't stand it at all!!!! It's all murder at the doctors...might as well have the baby, then bash it's head off the wall

ps...plz don't do that

i WILL find you!





  1. Let me start by quoting a bumper sticker/t-shirt slogan I saw some years back; "If you can't trust me with a choice, how can you trust me with a baby?" Pretty logical for a bumper sticker, if you ask me.

    The need for pro-life, bible-thumping lunatics to tell people how to live their lives by their rules, regardless of whether they're "christian" or not,is one of the great BS piles of the modern age.Scientists speak out about the overcrowding this planet is already dealing with, and yet these idiots still scream about "be fruitful and multiply". I can't help wondering when we will reach "Soylent Green" levels, at this rate (and if you're to young to understand the reference, look it up).

    By the same token, these Yahoos (pardon the expression) bellow about offering the child up for adoption. Excuse me, have you missed the horror stories about kids dropping through the cracks (more like chasms) in the system, being hurt, abused, killed by neglect or worse, tortured and forced into prostitution?!?! Yeah, that's so much better!!

    What about the way, the screamers talk but don't act on their words? I say now what I have always said: If you're one of the ones screaming about adoption, step up and put your money and your home where your mouth is and YOU adopt some of these kids! And not just the babies, either. How about the older kids in the system, the ones desperate for someone to take them in and show them the love they're supposedly entitled to have? Until you do that, and force the system to be fixed, I say leave the pro-choice option alone because in the long run it amounts to the same thing as leaving them to a damaged system like the one that operates now.When the system is fixed, THEN will I look to change my opinion of abortion, not before!

  2. I am against abortion, the only way I would approve is if it was a life or death situation(mother is sick and won't survive if she has the baby)..There are other situations where mothers have abortions like if she was raped, but she can always have the baby and give it up for adoption because there are so many people that want children.

  3. I believed that abortion is bad, cruel and harmful.

    We are talking about your own flesh and blood, innocent helpless child of yours. Sad indeed. NO for abortion.

    If you really feel that you don't want the child, you can put the child for adoption straight away after birth. Give the child the right/ chance to live. Abortion is a big mistake.

    Thou shalt not kill (full stop).

  4. hmm.. what do i think about coldblooded murder?..

    i might have to think about that.

  5. Republicans are Pro-Life, because they have the respect for it! Criminals are the Democrats who are Pro-Choice! They do not respect life and very few of them have any dignity! An unborn democrat is a joy to the world of freedom and responsibility and a prison inmate who is serving a life sentence should come in contact with an electrified fence! We should understand if one does feel they were created equal they have to be treated so one may to feel they are worth it! But why argue with an idiot! We the people are it!

  6. I think it's HORRIBLE. It's just like murdering the little baby. It won't have the life it needs, if anyone out there is thinking about abortion, please reconsider, sometimes you will realize this baby had saved your life!

  7. this is such a hot potato. if a woman wants to have an abortion just because the timings wrong or shes too young i dont agree with it. if shes been raped or the baby has a serious defect where it wont survive out of the womb then yes i do agree with it. i just feel sometimes that women sometimes use it as a form of birth control.  

  8. I'm against it.  

  9. It depends on the situation.  Not all abortions are the result of purely selfish reasons.

  10. its never ok, even if u were rapped, u can give birth to it and give it to a family who's always wanted a kid, but nvr could. that child nvr asked to come here, so why take away a life that nvr had a chance to actually live? i hate it how u can be sentenced to death, or life in prison for killing some1 but its "ok" to kill an innocent baby. i saw how they do it, they take out the childs body parts until it looks like a little ball, then they finish it off, and u can see when the baby opens its mouth, and its screaming. its not fair. babies should make u happy, not want to kill it. thats what i think about abortions, oh and if u believe in god u know he hates it just as much.  

  11. Thats ur opinion. I believe its my right as a woman to choose. Thats like saying a young grl was raped she cant take the morning after pill or have an abortion cause its bad.

    Ur also spamming. I dont need u to preach on here. If u want men to take control of that part of the body go ahead. Im a woman and i control my body not a man

    And i bet and 100% sure for the ppl who are against that if u got raped u would be running to the store to get the morning after pill. Or would u keep the baby of the guy who raped you?

    By the way..ur in violation so u been reported

    ****My email is unblocked so come find me...

  12. I was 100% pro-choice before I became pregnant...

    When I came face to face with the decision... my whole outlook changed...

    Now I don't know for sure... I do believe women should have the right to choose what to do with their bodies.. and make their own choices...

    but I can only pray they feel the full weight of the situation..

    there are reasons we reproduce... and life is not something to toy with...

    if you have never been pregnant or in a situation where abortion is staring you straight in the face... I dont care what you have to say about it...

    you could not possibly understand...

  13. I think you shouldn't talk about something until you've experienced it, and until then, you should keep an open mind and heart.

  14. It is murder, no matter how you look at it! If someone doesn't want their baby, their responsibility for their actions, then they should just put it up for adoption! There are many people who actually want a baby who just can't have one

  15. Mmmhhh, abortion.. it really depends, I think you re responsible for what you're doing. You shouldnt murder your own child because you were actually able to control it. But, there are always exceptions, like, if a woman got raped for example, she should have the choice. Other than that: I wouldnt want my wife to abort our child, no matter what happened because it's a human being that has every right to live

  16. Pro choice. Pro-Lifers ruin lives.

  17. if its early and a mistake and the parents dont think their up to the job, who's to stop them?

  18. I think that it's terrible. IT"S MURDER! I mean, yeah, why not just have the baby, and kill it then. DON'T REALLY DO THAT!!!!!!! I read a story online that said that a teenager had a baby and when the baby's head came out, the doctor stabbed the baby's head with scissors, opened the hole in it's head wider, and sucked out the baby's brain. It's terrible, I wouldn't even consider it. If you're raped you can take it to your local fire department or police department, and they will find a home for it.

  19. I totally DO NOT agree with it. It's murder and so sad that so many ppl use it as birthcontrol...

  20. I think that Mary and Maeghan Gannon gave the most ridiculous and inappropriate answer! Obviously a minor!


  21. If you can't stand it don't have one.  If you believe it is a sin, let God worry about it.  If you have no idea of a person's individual situation  and it has nothing to do with you, keep your nose out of it.

  22. I think this question is getting old

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