
What do you think about an Nvidia videocard 8500GT 512MB?

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It is a good video card ? It is a a video card for gamers or designers? Does it worth the money?




  1. Any card in nvidia line that has Quadro in it is for designers and workstation use and not good for gaming.

    Other nvidia cards without Quadro are probably retail/gaming cards.

    The 8500gt is a solid card. not spectacular not sucky.  

  2. It depends on the computer you've got... The video card alone doesn't mean anything. And you won't be able to play on high settings with newest video games.

    If you're paying more than $50, forget it

  3. You'll be fine with it for now. I'm sure you won't have any trouble with games however everything is going really fast so be ready to buy a new one in like a year or maybe even less.  

  4. Hello DONalex,

    The particular graphics card you're interested in, 512MB 8500GT, is part of the NVIDIA GeForce series. The GeForce series are designed for gamers in mind, but that doesn't mean it won't run designing software.

    Now that we figured that out, the 8500GT is a budget card, and it is definitely worth the money. The price range of the particular card you're looking varies between $49.99 - $76.99, which is not too steep. Also,The 512MB will allow you to run games in higher resolutions.

    The only drawback of this card is the fact that it's a BUDGET card. This means the card will do fine on games like World of Warcraft, Counter-Strike Source, and perhaps Call of Duty 4 at medium settings. But don't expect to run Crysis with all the bells and whistles on at 1920x1080.

    Good luck!

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