
What do you think about asian girls?

by Guest64853  |  earlier

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in general, just tell me what you think about asian girls, it can be about anything.




  1. thank marvin you are awesome.

    why can't everybody just except the fact that we are like everyone else?

    people have different opinions about us.

    i'm an asian girl living in australia and i'm glad because this is not a racist country.

  2. I don't really think about them any differently than any other race. Although the S.E Asians tend to be shorter.  

  3. Asian girls are cool, haven't got anything against them.

  4. i be fuking em

  5. s**y when they freaky ugly when they turn around ( no butt)

  6. s**y, I've met a lot of them who really are down to earth.

  7. to martian or whoever- please i guarantee you nobody especially black people are jealous of asians. please... even with their stereotype of being smart. and they are not the master race genetics or not we are not even going to go there. you got us black people f*cked up!!! all the way- weren't even jealous of white m*thafuckas

  8. :P

    Mr. Brown, you are so wrong. I love Asian girls. Asian girls are the best in the world. Black girls can't shake their ***. Genetics show that Asians are the master-race. I wish I was Asian :(. You Blacks just jealous coz Asians are intelligent and beautiful and you have neither.

  9. stop asking them questions you racist *****

  10. I love them. Didn't notice your question. Now for my world famous ranting:

    Asian women are by far the most beautiful of all. The main aspect of their beauty is the composition with the right "kind" of diversity. The other races have dark hair, almond shaped eyes, and pale skin yes but Asian women have more. For example 50% of east asians have epthanical eyes and 50% the typical kind. There is also the nationalistic looks. Nearly each nation has it's own distinct look. The white race does not however. That concept was discredited by genetics. There are also the factors such as lower weight. This is key to what holds their beauty. A fat asian woman(if you have the luck to see one) cannot hold this magic. And finally the lack of aging. An asian woman ages at a rate much lower than the other races. This makes her beauty stay for many years

  11. all asian are cool. I like Iranian, far east asian, Indian, pakistan..........all asian are cool!

  12. lol to marvin, and anyway asian girls are just girls, who are asians.

  13. The greatest next to black.  

  14. A woman's race is never the issue.  It is what she does with her personality and body that makes any difference.  I find asian women hot.  But, then again, I find most women hot!!

  15. Personally, I think most Asian girls can be very hot looking.  Attractive and I enjoy Asian p**n if you care to know

  16. they are cool and well mannered.....

    s**y too..

  17. Stereotype these days.. It does nothing but blind and limit you from seeing the truth, and just exactly what it means to be human,...... But I'll give you my oppinion anyways, I find asian guys and girls more attractive that caucasians..... Not because I'm asian myself but I find them more apealing.... Comparing asian pop stars and celebrities to american stars, they seem to always have much better and nicer skin, hair, eyes, etc... I can't think of one american celebrity that has nicer hair compared to asian celebrities and pop stars....

  18. Their hot azz h**l!!

  19. lemondade and black british. I like that. I have some relatives that hve some Asian and it makes no difference to me. Some of them girls are gorgeous though.

  20. They're people.  Pretty ones and ugly ones, nice ones and mean ones, smart ones and stupid ones.  I do like the eyes, I don't like Yoko Ono a whole lot, even if she was John Lennon's wife.  But I can tolerate her.

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