
What do you think about bisexuals? for religious people?

by Guest44930  |  earlier

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i'm just asking because i read an answer from a christian claiming that bisexuality is wrong because "by nature, it is a promiscuous lifestyle." now, being bisexual myself, i dont understand this.

surely a bisexual could save s*x until marriage, marry a man and be monogamous in the same way that a straight person could? so, if christian's objection to bisexuality is that it makes you promiscuous... well, that's bs. you can be sexually inactive/monogamous and still be bisexual.




  1. I consider myself bi.  However, I believe the actions are wrong.  You shouldn't have s*x until marriage, and it should be with the opposite s*x.

  2. I reckon the world should have more of them..especially the female type.

  3. That's a really awkward question.  In response, I just want to tell you to ignore that person, and bear in mind that everyone who tells you they think you are wrong because they are a Christian, is just expressing their own opinion and trying to use God to back themselves up.  It doesn't work that way.

    Yes, a bisexual could still be monogamous the same way anyone else could.  (Of course, I don't think ANYONE plans on being monogamous anymore....)

    Please don't trust the rest of us on that one person! They are just stating THEIR opinion, not necessarily that of Christianity or of God!

  4. The same as homosexuals or heterosexuals we are all sinners in need of a savior.

    If you are saying that your options are a sinful relationship then I would say it is a problem.

  5. As a L*****n I can tell you that any negative opinions religious people have on the subject don't really make any sense. They will just tell you you need to be saved and seek salvation from your sinful desires blah blah blah...

  6. I  think that everyone, g*y, Christian, L*****n, and atheist, we can all agree that bisexuals are just downright greedy.  

  7. You should rent one before buying as a religious person.

  8. idk i dont get it i'm bisexual and looking at getting into a relationship very shortly once it happens I will stop looking for somebody now like every human i will still look at ppl but i wont be on the market for guys nor girls. one is enough for me and if im with somebody why would i want to risk losing something good for something known.

  9. The same as homosexuals or heterosexuals. Sin is sin.

  10. They think that just because you have more options, you take advantage of them.

    My only thought is that it isn't fair because you have a much bigger dating pool.

  11. s*x isn't right or wrong it's just two people rubbing together.  

  12. Twice the Temptation!

    They must have it twice as difficult to walk the path!

    God love them and God love you!

  13. I think religious intolerance is worse than male on male action.

  14. I don´t mind bisexuality, but it´s impossible to be bisexual, save yourself to s*x until marriage and be monogamous....that doesn´t make sense

  15. I don't think anyone is "naturally" bisexual as some say homo/heterosexuals are.

    But, that's just me.

  16. I have bisexual friends. They are not promiscuous by nature. They are sexually attracted to both sexes, that does not mean they hump everybody they meet. I'm attracted to men. That does not mean I am sexually available to every man. Why can't people get that?

  17. I gotta agree with punky on this one.........

  18. There are a lot of GLBT Christians as well as Christians who support GLBTs.

    The ones who sit there on their high horse, pointing their fingers at you should be ignored. They simply do not understand the struggle, nor do they care to.

  19. They never cross my mind.  Honestly.

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