
What do you think about blackbird hunting?

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My Friend and i shoot blackbirds and finches in his woods. What do you think about this and do you have any suggestions? I use a PowerLine 880S and he uses a Gamo Viper.




  1. I think RIGHT ON!!!

    I love Crow huntin'. Just because thet are smart. You sneeze, and you wont see one for a week.

  2. you should be ashamed of yourself for killing finches....starlings yes......songbirds no

  3. If they are European starlings and they are in the huge flocks you see blackening the sky - move up to a 12 Ga shotgun with #6's.  But for now what you're using will suffice if that is all that is available.

    These birds have no natural predators so they are forcing the beautiful songbirds out of their native habitat. Stop killing the finches and step up the blackbirds - they are considered a nuisance in most states - no limits and open season all year round.

  4. I don't know about blackbirds, but guys around here crow hunt.  they are bigger and smarter then songbirds.  Personally, I don't believe you should kill it if you don't intend to eat it.

  5. Unless you are defending your crops, I don't know why you would want to kill starlings.  You shouldn't be killing the finches at all.

  6. Well there small birds,  i think its kind of pointless but if you put the dead birds to use then its ok.

  7. black birds? you mean european starlings? cause if you dont then dont hunt them. songbirds are not a good source of meat and you should not be hunting blackbirds or finches. try doves ,sparrows or pheasant

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