
What do you think about both Obama's and McCain's running mates?

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Do you think they were good choices?




  1. Do the math

    McCain is 72

    Life expectancy is 75 for a white male. .

    You really want a beauty pageant contestant with Bachelors degree in Journalism to be leader of the free world? She's only been governor for 20 months and before that she was mayor of nowheresville.

    Not me. I actually care about this country.

    McCain has shown just how reckless and irresponsible he is with this insane VP choice. How many Hillary supporters does he think are out there who wont vote for Obama?

    Obama on the other hand chose Biden, who is actually great Presidential material.

  2. Can we switch running mates?  McCain/Bidden would be an acceptable ticket.

  3. I was a Hilary supporter. I would have loved to have sen here in office. Nonetheless Biden was a wise choice. Palin represents another shot from the hip of Mccain. a bad one at that.  

  4. I honestly don't care, Because I don't like any of them :)

  5. This is gonna be one hilarious debate.

  6. Lame.

  7. Obama made the best choice. He knows if something, God forbid, where to happen to him this country would go berserk, there would have to be someone already in place who would have the know-how and yes, the experience to hold it all together and react in a thoughtful and knowledgeable manner. Biden can do that. He also knows that Biden fills the holes in his resume. He made an intelligent choice

    As for McCain, well he can always blame dementia.

  8. obvious choices.  I did not expect more from Obama, and I did not expect as much from Mccain

  9. I honestly like them both separately.  Biden is a leader in the Senate, and anyone who's listened to Sarah Palin will know that she is one competent leader.  As a VP pick, however, I would say Palin is much better.  Eventually, people will realize that she IS experienced enough.  Though I don't personally agree, most people believe Biden isn't exactly "change".

  10. I think the running mates are more qualified to run the country than the forerunners, but I still pick McCain.

  11. I think both were good choices.

    The big talk is experience.  I don't think you can have experience at being the president, unless you have been the president before.  I think it would be unlike any job.  So none of them "technically" have any experience.  Whoever gets elected will surround themselves with advisors & cabinet members that will fill in the gaps of where they are lacking.  I don't think any president makes all decisions based solely on their own understanding and experience.

  12. Biden - More of the same.  Talk, talk, talk

    Sarah - Finally common sense and action, action, action

  13. obama is a forsure win


    i got this tight shirt with obama on it and he looks hella sickk!!

  14. Not much. No.

  15. Both good choices. Obama's the only one I don't like

  16. I think they were both reasonable choices.  Both moved their parties to the middle.  Neither is a particular standout.

  17. I liked Biden when he was running for president and thought he was a good choice for VP.  I'm still trying to figure out McCain's thinking for picking Palin.  I don't see how she is a good choice.  It has nothing to do with her gender.  I just think that someone like Rell of Connecticut would make more sense and, frankly, be more worrisome for the Dem's.

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