
What do you think about british gas and the £500million profit?

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..I was just reading the news about how they have made £500 million was less than a month ago they had put the prices up about greed.....




  1. They are unwilling to cut their profit margins which just goes to show that they couldn't care less about their customers. What they should have done was put up their prices by a little and made less of a profit but as it stands they increased their prices loads and kept the profit that they were making exactly the same, this is why no-one should be with British gas

  2. It pisses me off something terrible !!!! The government should do something about it !!!!!

    In the past six months i've went from paying £40 a month to £80 !!! It's doubled !!!!  If it goes up again then i'll be in deep **** as i'm struggling as it is.

  3. There is only 2 things that these people/companies care about and that is themselves and the shareholders, customers are a necessary evil who are treated as such.

  4. Thankfully i didn't contribut as we use a different provider but I'd be very mad if I was a customer of theirs

  5. rip-off b******s on the news on the radio, 15 Min's. ago french gas prices have risen by only 4%yet they pay the same wholesale price as UK

  6. I got a letter from them the other day stating how hard up they were-now they have to increase prices...what a shower !

  7. It is absolutely disgusting, how we the consumers are being ripped off. It is about time it all stopped.

  8. If you think it's expensive to heat your house in the UK, you should come to Greece, we have petrol heating and 100 euro lasts us 3 days, that's only 4 radiators!! I believe it was Centrica, which incorporates other businesses as well as BG.

  9. not a lot, most of it is mine anyway?


    It isn't just gas though. Electricity, petrol, houses, rent, the price of food, etc etc, it is all going up and up and up and is is becoming imposiible to live here! This ******* government is pushing hard working families into poverty!

    What pis*es me off even more, is that the government gave permission for the companies to raise prices above inflation, yet refuse to raise our pay (I'm a nurse, but all public servants, police etc are affected) to the promised levels and offered us a below inflation pay deal which is insulting!!

    Personally I'm getting out of this s**+*hole country and going to Oz where I will be able to work hard and make a good life for myself, and I know I'm not the only one.

    There is a massive brain drain in this country now, with a lot of our graduates (myself included), nurses, doctors, teachers and highly skilled people being forced out.

    In the end the only people left here will be the elderly, the unskilled and uneducated, and immigrants from Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

    Great Britain my ar+e!

  11. disgraceful and were having to watch when and how long we keep gas on for, make me sick the lot of them and they are going up again??

  12. Please contact your MP and register your protest.

    You can contact them here:

  13. i know its disgusting..its not even like they need the profit....they will only reduce the price when alot of ppl get together and refuse to pay...

  14. It sucks! Huge pay rises for the guys at the top, minor, barely above inflation pay rises for the front line engineers. Doesn't seem fair to me. Greedy f**kers!

  15. Ooooooo! dont start me on that, the thieves

  16. And they still owe me £370, from 2 years ago...Pure greed and stuff the consumer.....

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