
What do you think about canadian prime minister Steve as george bush calls him?

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do you think Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper is a manipulator and liar just like George bush,who does not care about what the people want or not?Do you also notice he only comes out in public with a fake smile only when there is an election and if he wins he literally avoids everybody,what do you think about him Canadians




  1. What a lot of Canadians forget is that "Stevie" was a former member and leader of the Reform Party, a populous western party with plenty of flakes from the Christian right and super red necks from Alberta. Stevie himself is a fundamental Christian, which scares the h**l out of me. He's been muzzling the flakes since he got in power with a minority government, because he knows if people twig onto the fact that his hidden agenda includes some really far out right wing policies, they wouldn't vote for his resurrected Conservatives.  God help us if he wins a majority the next election.

    The problem in Canada is that we don't usually vote FOR a party but vote AGAINST a party because they've pissed us off. That's how Stevie got in during the last election.  He graduated from university with a degree in Economics, so that says a lot about his people skills.  Will Rogers always said terrible things about economists and concluded that if they ever took over the reins of power, we're all doomed. I couldn't agree more.

  2. I have a hard time trusting politicians in general  I'm hoping he is not as bad as Bush because then we will all be screwed!

  3. What do I think about him?  Not much.  I know he attends Church, because I saw him there.

    Politically though, he hasn't made a great Impact on the country.  He's another "Steve WHO" and a puppeteer for George Bush, IMO.

    I've heard that he really wants out now since he has a feeling the Dems are going to win, and he doesn't think he'll be able to work with them.  I say I 'heard" this, but I don't know... I can see it.. We'll see once He calls the Election (soon) and whether he runs or not.

    I hope not, I want a successful Liberal back in there.

  4. I really like Steve and his wonderful smile.

  5. Steve does have a great smile.  All politics aside, it is a tribute to his good oral hygiene habits that include both assiduous daily brushing and flossing.

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