
What do you think about corn products?

by  |  earlier

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Many companies are now using corn packaging, and some coffee places are making disposable cups out of corn. These items decompose faster, but is the energy cost too much? What does everyone think? Does anyone know of any good websites on this subject?




  1. If they are replacing paper then it is a waste of energy.  Trees grow on ther own with little requirement for fertilizer or pesticides, and there are many years between harvests.  Corn requires lots of fertalizer and a farmer driving a deisel powered tractor to apply it and harvest it every year.  

    If they are replacing plastics product it could go either way.

    And nothing decomposes in a landfill.  Unless you are planning on composting them yourself it makes no diference.

  2. i this it is good...good for the environment.

  3. I think that whatever someone does to help, someone else is going to find fault with them for it.

  4. very very very bad

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