
What do you think about dead beat parents?

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What do you think about dead beat parents?




  1. They are who they are!! depends how old are you.. if you are a teenager.. you have to wait till you are old enough to leave and then LEAVE.. AS FAST AS POSSIBLE.  Start your own life and let your parents be what they are.. But if you are expecting something from them and not receiving it .. and you are depending on this then you will suffer because parents who don't care .. really don't care... I raised my daughter and 4 step-kids.. all their life..till they were grown..HA ... I done without all that time so we could raise the children.. we lived from paycheck to paycheck.. and every once in  while we done some things.. but the kids came first housing .. food.. clothes.. and school.. and maybe ice cream once in a while.. I raised them with tough love.. some people don't believe in doing this .. but it worked for me and my husband... they all support their selves.. and don't live with me.. they struggle but doesn't everyone.. I'm very proud of all of them.. Snow

  2. I think there wouldn't be as many of them out there, if people were in longterm relationships and living together before having kids. NOT ALL, but most of the single parents I know, are that way as a result of a short relationship/"accidental" pregnancy type of situation.

    For ones that were in long term relationships, and abandoned the other partner moved out and won't help....I think they are scum.

  3. Can't stand dealing with them.  My exhusband pays support now because he is military now and they make sure to send it but he has a history of not paying for our boys or his other two kids (who he lost all rights too now).  I have to say that it is more the ones that are physically and emotionally not there that makes me more mad.  Money doesn't show love and children need to know their parents love them and care about them.  My ex never sends birthday cards, christmas cards, no presents, very little phone calls, no letters in the mail or the internet and only visits for 1-2 hrs usually once every 6 months but still thinks he is a good dad.  Really they all just make me so angry.

  4. They wont even care if there kid dies! omg! in south dakota, there were 3 kids on a 4 wheeler (2 yr boy, 4year girl, 7 year girl) and the 7 year old (who was driving) floored it into a gravel roadf and was struck with a pickup going 55 mph!  3 little kids on a 4 wheeler? COME ON! The 7 and 2 year old were air lifted to sioux falls SD and the 7 year old died. The 2 year old boy isnt exprected to make it and the 4 year old girl is in Watertown SD. Thats a sad story! i wanna cry! It happened in lake norden SD! check it out!

  5. Scum. There is no excuse for not providing for your child.

  6. They suck. My nieces father at first denied that she was his. Now he has only seen her twice (shes 7 months) and hasnt paid anything for her. He sucks!!!!!

  7. its sad that people don't do adoption if they don't care!!!

  8. I think they are horrible.  My state now revokes any license you have, drivers, business, etc., if you don't pay child support.  But, that doesn't take care of the emotional harm it causes a child to think that a parent doesn't care about them.

  9. Not sure about the actual meaning of dead beat, but I think everyone should provide for their child or not have one in the first place.

    It is no one else's job to pay for children but the parents.

  10. I think they are IDIOTS. If they didn't want to  take care of a child for the rest of their they should keep it in their pants in the first place. Men and Women alike!  no child asks to be here, let alone be here and be abandoned by one or both of their parents! We are a nation of extremely selfish and foolish people.

  11. they stink

  12. I think dead beat parents are horrible. I have some family members who unfortunately have dead beat dads and they hate them because of it. I don't know how they make it without their dads. I couldn't imagine I am lucky enough to have my dad in my life. I think that dead beat parents should re evaluate what is important in their lives because obviously their kids aren't on the list of important things.

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