
What do you think about dinosaur?

by Guest63494  |  earlier

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were there extinct

do you think they change into other species




  1. About 63 million years ago there was a mass die off of dinosaurs.  A small number survived and evolved into other species.  Birds came from dinosaurs.

  2. could be, because one day a huge dinosurier will apear in the world

  3. I think you are confused. Anthrop = man.

    However, they may have evolved.

  4. There are many thousands of evidences from around the world that dinosaurs and man co-existed until fairly recent times....cave paintings, drawings, temple carvings, fabrics and ancient artifacts. Most of them were killed in Noah's flood but the ones that survived on the Ark were still present on earth for many years and centuries until they eventually died off as well from predation, starvation or inability to cope with the new climate on earth after the flood which was a monumental earth-changing event. There are dozens of dragon legends from around the world that seem to be like dinosaurs....Alexander the Great wrote of them fighting elephants in India and Marco Polo wrote of them in China.....some Emperor's even had official "dragon keepers" for dragons which pulled their carriages in parades and festivals. Dinosaurs are also mentioned in the Bible under various descriptions and names such as behemoth, leviathon, tannin, dragons and flying serpents. Some people think that some of them may still be alive today in Loch Ness, Lake Champlain and the swamps of Africa and South America among others.

  5. Most dinosaurs went extinct, but one lineage of dinosaurs called Theropod dinosaurs evolved into birds. So in fact, birds are dinosaurs.

  6. A number of comparisons have been made between birds and dinosaurs. The short form is birds developed from dinosaurs so in a sense "they (did) changed into other species"

  7. i thank they are cool but all shouldn't had died because grass eaters has harmless.

  8. Well although many anthropologists know much about dinosaurs, anthropology doesn't actually deal with them whatsoever. Anthropology is the study of human culture, and primate studies are usually included in anthropology. Dinosaurs occupy an entirely different field, the study of paleontology. While I don't believe there's an actual category for that, you may have better luck in either the biology or zoology categories.

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