
What do you think about dr anisha parmar ayurvedic consultant ahmedabad?

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Dr Anisha Parmar

Ayurvedic consultant

Honorary Consultant Rajasthan Hospitals,

40,vinodpark soc.,

Nr.Jashodanagar Cross Roads,





+91 9898188942




  1. Dr Brhspati Triguna in delhi is good hes 86 maybe 87 yrs

    old he sees about 300 persons everyday and has done so for yrs - his herbs are good and have some Bhasma added at times - hes not a cheater could have made a fortune but still has same old place with corrigated iron roof near railway station -cant rememebr where he has no website very simpelman old school hes best one ive seen -

    Even cured one old lady who  i met personally had cronic colitus for 20 yrs

    Dr Pankaj Naram in Mumbai is good has clinic there - hes also not cheater has some ethics - his herbs  little more costly not to much but mumbia rates -  hes expert at pulse -

    Dr Lila Dhara Gupta in mathura near delhi - is good has clinic there grows most of his own herbs and does some basic pancha karma - he slso gives chariy to local perons free tretament to poor persons - so that is always good sign -

    These Drs ive found to be good - there are so many babas  drs or buggers around who clain ot be good or are claimed ot be good out out of 100o maybe one 10 are good -

  2. who is she?

  3. nothing!!never heard of the bugger!!

  4. Please don't waste space here looking for individual doctor referrals.

    Call (or post in Y/A) India to get such singularly relevant information.

  5. Not a doc referral service quit wasting our time.  Give your experience and results not a phone number!

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