
What do you think about drugs?

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Do you like drugs??? and explain why you do or dont




  1. Achem.

    I've dabbled in marijuana every now and again, and its been ok. I've lived by the idea that "anything that grows from the earth is ok".

    If you have to boil...bake...cook....mix....or............ whatever drug your going to use, then its a bad idea to use it. I think that the "natural" drugs are "better" for you to use. There is a certain line that you cross when dabbling in drugs. When you go from soft core (marijuana, shrooms,ect) to hardcore drugs (cocaine, heroin, LSD) is when drugs become the bad, evil, killers.

    I've never heard of dying from "weed" but I have seen addiction to it. I've seen people who have smoked weed for years and when you get them off of it they break into sweats and what not. They feel "uncomfortable in their own skin".

    With anything you have to use good judgment on how much you do.

    So....I like drugs. But...only to an extent. Their fun every now and then...but...when you start to use them every day, and they effect your normal routine then you need to leave them alone.

    But if you dont start in the first place then your doing better than the rest of us poor unfortunate/fortunate souls. =P

  2. ALL drugs, legal or not, have their pros and cons. It's all a matter of finding something that will help you more than hurt you.

  3. I am a recovering addict. Drugs tore my life completely apart. It started off as innocent curiosity, but became a dependency quite quickly. I couldn't go through my day without being on something in order to feel normal. I grew to hate myself when I was high, I hated what I had become, I hurt the people I loved the most, and I was throwing away all the good things I had going for me. Since getting clean, I've developed a passion for helping others with the same affliction. I actually found purpose in my past pain. I'm happy that I no longer have to live my life in a drug induced dazed. I can feel happy without forcing it, and I no longer have to numb my sadness.

    PS To all those responding with the "all natural" approach: Heroin comes from poppy seeds. Last time I checked, poppy grows from the earth. Also, cocaine comes from cocoa plants. Also comes from the earth. Weed can often be laced with another drug, without the user even knowing it. Weed hurts people as much as the harder drugs. I wish these people could see the teenagers that I counsel on a daily basis, whose lives are completely off track because of that drug.

  4. I personally do not like drugs. They feel good the first time but then you get addicted and you no longer enjoy it. But you still do it cause your addicted and your body craves for it and it using A LOT of your money on something that does not benefit you.

  5. I'm a former drug addict. Drugs ruin your life and kill.

  6. Cella is right all illegal drugs are bad for you.  

  7. Since I've had pretty much only negative experiences from both street drugs and those legally prescribed to me, I would say they are usually not a big boon to your life.

    I think in certain situations there is nothing wrong with say, marijuana being used medicinally, and as Bill Hicks was fond of saying "drugs have done some good things for us..." meaning being instrumental in creativity.

    I am not opposed to the legalization of certain drugs if the laws make sense and are beneficial. Some people will do heroin whether it is legal or not so why not  at least more readily provide addicts with clean needles and junk that hasn't been cut with household chemicals?

    I think on the other hand the seriousness of say, common psychiatric medications like anti-depressants is downplayed by doctors and drug companies to a criminal degree. These sorts of drugs, while legal, can be just as damaging in my own and others' experiences as illegal substances. The FDA doesn't want you knowing all of the possible side-effects involved in taking and stopping (withdrawing from) psychotropics.

    So overall I think drugs of all kinds can be helpful in certain situations, but they are easily abused or misused and are all too often more harmful than helpful. I've witnessed situations like alcoholism (alcohol is a drug, remember) first hand and they are devastating. I would never advocate drugs of any kind wholeheartedly to anyone.

  8. depends on what you mean by drugs, its a very open term. Ive smoked pot for years now and theres really no negative effects. so maybe i forget something here or there but its honestly not much. drugs could also be things like ibuprofen. medically prescribed drugs can be much more dangerous than some illegal drugs. some people are outright against things that they don't have any idea what it does. just because some one tells you tea is good and marijuana is bad doesn't mean they're right. admittedly tea probably wont hurt but you never know. who knew cigarettes could lead to lung cancer? I say some drugs are ok enough to take, some can benefit you seriously and some can kill you. some just group all drugs into one category, when they aren't all the same. some say it doesn't matter how harmful a drug is if it leads to other drugs its just as bad as what it could lead to. like i said earlier I've smoked for years and i haven't tried anything else. since i started smoking i haven't touched a cigarette, haven't for at least 5 years now. cigarettes are proven to kill you. smoking pot certainly doesn't help your lungs but its so much less harmful than things like cigarettes.

    so its true some drugs are bad but some aren't at all. look at the push for the legalization of marijuana, you don't see that for crack or meth. look at the push to make tobacco illegal, so if anything its worse than what people would consider drugs but you see people doing it on the street and don't give it a second thought.

    my point is grouping all drugs into one category is so wrong. some can benefit and some can ruin your life its all about your own decisions.

  9. I like my normal unaltered consciousness.  Shouldn't my normal consciousness be good enough to experience without altering it?  We already have tons of stuff to alter consciousness like food, drink, vacations, etc, so I don't think there is any need to alter it more, especially if there is any risk of damaging ourselves.

  10. I am a recovered drug addict.

    It's all fun in the beginning but it gets scary when you realize that nothing else makes you happy anymore. When you know people who have died because of it. When you almost die. It's the worst thing when you finally realize that you are slowly killing yourself. Even scarier when you don't care.

  11. I enjoy marajuana, but that's where I draw the line, I might try mushrooms sometime but that's it, no coke, no crack, no meth, no opiates...etc. Besides more strict legal regulations with those other drugs, they're dangerous and as I understand it, quite hard to quit

    I like it because it helps me loosen up, everything seems to be so easy to express when I'm high, I also do a lot of art work, and believe it or not it really does help with art.

    It's also a nice social activity, someone you meet that you have nothing in common with may like weed just like you do, and that's about all it takes to make friends with most "stoner's".

    ^And that's just a few reasons : P

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