
What do you think about eating cloned meat?

by  |  earlier

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It will be in markets soon and will not be labeled. Milk as well.




  1. I would like to read more about this, I wasn't aware that cloning had advanced to the point that commercial shipment is imminent.

  2. Well pasteurized milk has been on the shelf for a number of years.I do not see a problem with it.

  3. It's my understanding that much of the meat that we eat - particularly pork and sheep grown in western countries, but also cows - have been selectively bred for so long that they are almost clones anyway.  

    The same genetic stock has been intentionally inbred to give us fatter and meatier animals, better behavior and disposition, more consistent animal size, etc.  As a result, these animals are now effectively clones of each other.

    With that said, I'm not completely sure what the long-term effects of exact cloning are.  But I can't imagine that it would be substantially different than what we are eating now.

  4. I am a vegetarian

  5. Don't care. I already breath polluted air and drink polluted water. I also smoke and have a poor diet to begin with. I'm also all for progressive science, so bring on the clones!

  6. Me and my brother Daryll think it's fine.



  7. Scared.. they wont find out all the true health effects it has on people until it's too late, as usual. Organic is the only way to go.

  8. I have no problem with it.

  9. Is it's demonstrated that it has no negative side-effects. I guess is fine

  10. Why would anyone think this would be a problem?

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