
What do you think about electric cars?

by  |  earlier

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Now that the price of oil is a record high?




  1. technology is to new, sounds good in theory but at the moment all the electric cars are dodge, to drive to a capitol city it is  350kms, electrics cars can't do that, hybrids the electric motors don't run when you are at highway speeds, so on a whole, electric cars are useless in Australia if you are in regional area.

    there is no way i am selling my fairlane...

  2. electric motors for such cars have interesting performance, and electric vehicles can outperform conventional vehicles, they also allow for a more flexible arrangement of drive components in the car, which allows for more space in cars.

    But the main problems are the batteries, which can store less energy than fuel, the fact that these batteries are both heavy and expensive and have limited number of charging discharging cycles they can perform.

    Another issue is the source of energy to charge these batteries, if it is fuel or energy produced from fossil fuels, there is no environmental benefit from electric cars.

  3. I think they are a great idea. I am converting a Geo Tracker to electric.

  4. Electric cars are the best alternative because the infrastructure (power grid) is already in place, the associated emissions are lower than other technologies, and by increasing our use of renewable energy we can make EVs as green as we want.  Plus the technology is advancing rapidly.

    Available in California in October 2008, the Aptera typ-1e will cost about $27,000 with a top speed of 95 mph and range of 120 miles per charge.

    Soon thereafter Aptera will introduce the typ-1h, a plug-in hybrid version of the typ-1e with a 40-60 mile range on purely electrical energy, and a range of over 600 miles total when in electric/gas hybrid mode, for around $30,000.  On a 120 mile trip, the typ-1h will get 300 miles per gallon.  The shorter the trip, the higher the efficiency.

    Available in 2009, the ZAP Alias will cost $30,000, have a top speed of 100 mph, and a range of 100 miles per charge.

    Soon thereafter the ZAP-X will be available at a cost of $60,000 with a top speed of 155 mph and a range of 350 miles per charge.

    Available in 2009, the Miles Javlon will cost $30,000 with a top speed of 80 mph and a range of 120 miles per charge.

    Phoenix Motorcars will start selling their SUT to individuals in 2009.  It will cost $45,000 and have a top speed of 100 mph with a range of 100+ miles per charge.

  5. Let us go green already.  This planet is dying.

  6. electric cars are good but really i prefer that if we use cars that will be turned on by the sun its much better u wont waste fuel and not cause the chance of global warming growing worse so yeah for electric cars don't u think u will waste too much electricity i think its better for cars to be solar power cars you wont have to worry to refuel or charge your car if there's electric cars people don't you agree with me

  7. All old batteries ends up in the garbage dump.  We need some other new fuel source.

  8. some day they will be good...not today...and i worry about where all the electricty will come from

  9. Electric cars will be the only alternative in to fossil fuels in the future.  Since oil demand is only going to increase, gasoline is going to become prohibitively expensive.  People are freaking out about $4 per gallon gas, that's nothing.  As we continue to deplete the world's oil reserves it will become so expensive that only the wealthy will be able to afford gas.  Some have proposed hydrogen as an alternative fuel source, but the amount of energy required to remove hydrogen from other molecules it is bonded to, makes that prospect highly inefficient.  Everything is going to have to be powered by electricity eventually, and we will need more nuclear reactors.

  10. regardles of the price of oil, and the environmental impact of drilling, transporting, refining & burning fossil fuel

    electric cars are just better to drive, quiet, smooth, smell free, high torque, simple transmission, reliable...

    and can be refueled at home or work form any primary fuel source either via the grid or own micro-generator. and spare electric can be sold back to the grid

    ie a car with 200 mile range but only does a typical 20 mile commute charged overnight has a lot of spare capacity to sell back to the grid at peak rate, or act as uninteruptable power supply.

  11. Electric cars may not be the ideal alternative to petroleum fueled cars, however they are a start.  Hybrid cars with are a more realistic approach, and when coupled with a more highly-efficient, alternative fuel engine will probably be the way of the future.

  12. Electric cars are great because they don't create any harmful exhaust gases, which are huge contributors to global warming.

    You can read about the benefits of electric cars here:

    Hope this helps!

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