I had always thought of embryo adoption as an anonymous donation from a donors where both sides would never know anything about the other, however, now in many cases it's treated as any other adoption where a homestudy is completed, and a couple with remaining frozen embryos chooses the family that will "adopt" them.
Here's a link to better explain how it works.
Do you think this is a better way of handling this then just "donating" them to a random couple? Do you think this is better, worse or the same then traditional adoption of an infant? Will these children have any of the same issues that a child who is "traditionally" adopted may have? If you were born under these curcumstances, do you think you would still cansider yourself "adopted" even though the "adoptive" mother is the one who carried you and gave birth to you? How
I look forward to hearing opinions on this, I'm not quite sure how to answer some of those questions myself