
What do you think about emo kids?

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hah my bad i put it in the wrong section.............=D




  1. My niece is one, they have big hearts, they are very sweet and misunderstood. They do have a lot of emotional problems. I think the dark colors represent the depression and confusion they are feeling. I love these kids, and I don't think teachers or others should judge them. They are very artistic and loving. My neice has a friend that is emo too, that has waited her whole life to be adopted, she has such a sweet spirit.

  2. they r awesome!! long live emos!!!!! :)

  3. Emo: Like a goth, only a lot less dark and a lot more Harry Potter.

  4. i love some of them and theyre my friends but some can be f**s

  5. hilarious- lighten up!

  6. Emo kids are great too!!!!

  7. I find it very sad and selfish, they need to cheer up. Go around moping all day, they need to take a look at themselves, the majority of these kids are middle class, parents have a great relationship with each other and have good jobs, they are bored and want to feel sorry for something. Wake up to themselves and realize they are far worse things happening to others.

  8. i find many of them rude.. dont like them

  9. Man.....I feel old.  Is emo like goth??????  LOL.

  10. people think emos or people like me that get labled emo r always moping and just feeling sorry for our selves but once you get to know us we arent that diffrent from regular people i dont cut and cry all the time im pretty much normal

    but anyway yeah some can be asses and some can be pretty cool most of the ones i knoe r really nice

  11. yip, your bad.  they are okay unless they harm themselves then they might need some help, but otherwise i think they are cool.

  12. Ghost Writer , whenever i see the word EMO I immediately see E L MO so its hard for me to take it seriously..

    But it means yeah a style

    IT started in the mid 80's but somehow got transported way off track into another dimension in the mid 90's

    Check out these sources

    Definitely not my scene and one I Hope and pray my kids never enter

  13. Did you know your question is in adoption?  Were you looking to adopt an emo kid ?  Anyway, I think they are just trying, like most teens, to get attention.

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