
What do you think about england?

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what do you think about england ? and what do you think other countries think about where you live..

cause were curious .. :)




  1. I hear it rains alot but I'd still like to go [:. to visit family  

  2. i live in england, and am quite fond to it, espesh the part of cornwall where i live, has a sea to play in :D

  3. England always rains and non stop but england is ok.

  4. I'd like to spend a Summer in England.  It seems more sophisticated than America.

  5. i think thank god 200 years ago people in england we're sent to the australian colonies for minor petty offenses just so britain could populate and lay claim to them and as far as what other people and other nations think of australia i rekon they can go *** themselves because what nation is more sparse,breathable,open,has the climate,has the opportunity,does'nt cause **** to happen and has a bright bright future.englands great,americas great,god save the queen,god bless america and thank christ for australia.

  6. c**p country with c**p law system

    no one has respect for no one

    people are way to miserable

    the gov are full of c**p

    to many immagrants--- not got a problem with you just the ones who come over ere and cause trouble (u dnt go into sum ones house and take a c**p on there sofa do ya)

    really **** and boring country to live in even if ya buy a nice house theres a council estate just down the road (no offence but some estates are really c**p)

    the primeminister is so up americans **** it makes em even more big headed,

    could go on...................

  7. Not a lot, its 72 miles from me from scotland to the english borders at Carlisle, what else do you need to know about it, I presume its the same as scotland only a bit warmer and possibly more immigrants as it has a bigger population than scotland. There is lots of different counties in england and different types of housing and jobs.

  8. I live there and I think its great.

    I can drink lager in the pub, be a hooligan and talk properly.

  9. England rules England 4 eva  

  10. England has small pockets of places that are still acceptable. Most of it has gone downhill in the last few years. As to what other countries think of us, well, probably something like louty football hooligans, knife crazed youths, cockney eastenders, or related somehow to the queen.

    It's certainly not the kinder view that they had of us a few years ago!

    On the up side, I think England is highly thought of when it comes to fashion and music. We are seen as very creative when it comes to these two things.

  11. ...England swings like a pendulum do.......

  12. Cool country. I'd love to visit some day.

    I don't even want to KNOW what people say about the U.S. I haven't heard very many positive things lately haha :/

    I feel the same as Raven (avatar somewhere below me)

  13. England is a good place!

    lol i live in england

  14. i think we eat c**p! but it is very good c**p, i don't know what other people think!

  15. its boss

  16. In America, England has a reputation for giving America a bad reputation. It comes across that you guys don't like us very much, and consider us stupid and unworldly. Other than play cricket...there's really not a lot of English information here in America.

    I do, though, have much respect for England, and I consider it a wonderful country.

  17. i think of it as a neighbouring country

    Since i live in wales, And England has lots of lovely places!!

    Maybe? You'd need different peoples opinions about it

  18. it's pretty english really...

  19. Personally, I love England. I visited there once in 1998 and have been trying to get back there ever since. I'd love to live there even though I think it would cost a whole h**l of a lot more than living here in the US.

    And I already know what other countries think of where I live. Nobody likes the US. Kinda makes me feel bad--I don't want to be lumped into the dumb American stereotype. I appreciate and respect others' cultures--I really don't know why my government can't.

  20. I live in England. I love it! The only thing that bugs me is that Americans think if your from England, your one of those chimney sweeping orphans who have never had a bath. They think we are from the 16th Century and still talk(eth) like(eth) this(eth).

  21. I think England is a Beautiful Country think of the,

    Lake District,

    North Yorkshire Moors,


    Peak District,

    New Forest,


    South Downs,


    Yorkshire Dales,


    England's Garden & the Home Counties,

    Ribble Valley,



    Forest of Dean, etc, etc,

    Also our wonderful Architecture, History, Sports, Music etc,

  22. I think England is a beautiful country, with wonderful architecture and so much history, both good and bad...I think British television is absolutely brilliant--I'm a big BBC America fan.  Everyone I've ever met from England, I thought was fantastic--I even fell in love with an English guy, a long time ago.  My dream is to spend some serious time over there, going to clubs in London, riding a bicyle through the country somewhere, drinking in pubs and meeting lots of people.

    I think, and rightly so, that a lot of people throughout the world see Americans as egotistical, natural resource wasting, loud, vulgar, totally lacking in manners, and arrogant.  

  23. england is cool but not so cool

    but you can go there cause i bought my

    barbiegirl mp3 there in hamleys

    and be bratz i think Nigeria is cool too i think you

    should come to Nigeria

  24. where do I start

  25. england = i don't really what's in it.. but maybe it's good living in there

    philippines = corrupted^^..

  26. its a sh1thole now.  theres to much stabbing going on, the law sucks and lets people get away with murder and we pay more for everything then any other country...thats why i cant wait to move to canada next year when my fiances job transfer will be compleated!

  27. I think Canada is best country to live, we have multicultural here, nobody can tell anybody, this is my country or your country. This is every body's country. Last year I went to New York. I didn't like it. There is no freedom. Canada is best country to live.

  28. I thought England was beautiful.  I especially liked Glastonbury.  I love the weather there, overcast and a nice cool breeze from the sea.  I love how it was so green and misty.  I love all the flowers and moss growing between the rocks in front of the houses.  

    I live in Colorado, in the U.S.  If people from England came here, I would think that they would find it very big and flashy.  I think that they might be turned off by all our fast food chains and unhealthy food.  But I think they would love the whole Hollywood scene (Universal studios, mountains, skking, snowboarding, outdoorsy activites).  

  29. i live in the northwest of england and i love it! there is some really good stuff to do, (most of) the people are great...the only downside is the weather! it rains all the time but at least whenever there is the odd splash of good weather everyone appreciates it so much more!

  30. I have lived in England since the day I was born, 63 years ago.  I have seen it decline to such an extent that it makes me very sad and afraid for my grandchildren. It is a vastly overcrowded island now and divided by multi-culturalism.  I should think other countries who are able to observe our young people abroad on holiday, drinking and being promiscuous are probably disgusted that our once proud nation has decended into the state that it has.

  31. Oh this will be interesting.

    Lucky for me I live in the south of England in Dorset, which is said to be the safest county in the country. It has Sandbanks which is lovely. I'd also like to say I read a few of these and people have said that it rains a lot I'd like to say where I live it doesn't rain all that much. It rains more than it should but not a I type this it's raining ha ha! I quite like where I live but for England as a whole...what the h**l is happening. I guess this could be classed as racist but we need to stop letting immigrants in that leech off of benefits. If they come here and work - fair enough. If they don't seriously!?!? The south is pretty nice and the's OK (sorry if I offend!). The stabbings in London are getting ridiculous also. I'm not too happy with the government but I shan't continue I think you've got my point of not overly liking England.

    I'd like to say though that I don't have a bad opinion of America...George Bush, well ;) That's another story, but I've visited America when I was young and I really liked it.

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