
What do you think about father & step-father walk the bride down the isle?

by Guest33437  |  earlier

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What do you think about father & step-father walk the bride down the isle? Next weekend my husband's daughter is getting married, and he was to walk her down the isle. Now the mother of his daughter is demanding that not only does he walk her down the isle but her husband walk her down too. The mother and step father have been married for 8 years or something like that. They believe he should be part of the wedding (like sit in the front row, I agree) but some believe there should not be 2 of them walking her down. Do you think it is ridiculous or what? Funny answers about it are welcome. The father does not like that idea of one being on each side of the daughter and believes it is his job.




  1. It doesn't matter what the Mom wants...It's not her wedding! What does the bride want???

    My friend's Dad died when she was young but she has 2 brothers. The younger brother walked her half way down the aisle and then the older brother walked her the rest of the way and they said a prayer for her Dad.

  2. First and foremost...What does the daughter want? It is HER day and to h***  with what everybody else thinks. Mom shouldn't be making demands. Traditionally it's the father's place and Step-dad should do just that...step aside. Otherwise, what ever works out for the best.

  3. Don't bother her if thats what she wants. its her only wedding day and can do as she likes. if she wants them both to walk her down the isle back off and let it go. Did you like people telling you how to run your wedding.

  4. i think thats c**p!

  5. You should choose one. Having both walk you down is strange.

  6. I think it is the Bride and Grooms wedding. If they want a monkey to walk her down the isle, it is OK

  7. its not what the family wants...its what the bride wants..its her decision as to who walks her down the aisle..

    personally i think that if both the father and step father took active roles in her upbringing then i dont see any harm in the two of them walking her down the aisle..

    but like i said...its up to the bride...

  8. I'd just like to throw in my 2 cents here -- even though I just read your husband's daughter already made her decision.

    I had both my father and stepfather walk me down the aisle.  I had one of them on each of my arms, and they were both proud to be there to support me on my big day -- not jealous or angry.

    I decided to do this because I felt that it was my biological father's duty to walk me down the aisle, but my step father is also my father, too.  I didn't want to shun him in any way, so I asked them both to walk me down the aisle and they both obliged with a smile on their face, even though they've never said more than a handful of words to one another in their entire lives.

    The bride should make her down decision -- if it makes her happiest to have just one or the other walk her down the aisle, that's what she should do.  Her mother should NOT be pressuring her to allow her stepfather to walk her down the aisle too.  At the same time, no one else should be pressuring her to choose just her biological father.  Allow the bride to make her own guilt free decision.  You don't want her to regret her choice about her big day later.  I do feel that it's sad she doesn't want her step father to walk her down the aisle as well, but if she's not close with him it's the right thing to do.  He's her parent too and yes, he (and YOU as her step mother) should both be sitting in the front row.

    Good luck.

  9. dad only.  step dad can sit and watch from the front row.  that's what my husband did at my daughter's wedding.  he didn't have the right to walk her down the isle.

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