
What do you think about feral children, wolf boys and dog girls?

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Oxana Mayala and that Russian kid they found in 2007, Lyokha (i think?).

Should their parents be tracked down and charged with neglect? What should happen to them?




  1. I could be wrong, but I think these children either lost their parents or somehow went missing.

  2. Moribund gerbils raising children is never a good idea. Yes they should be charged although the ironic thing is, Oxana would most likely have told the press that it was a forming experience in her life and that she wouldn't have changed it if she could and that she likes the way she is.

  3. They should be hit with a rolled up newspaper.

  4. They should be called wolfie and doggie!

  5. Oxana's parents should totally have been charged with neglect.  They were alcoholics, they didn't care for her.  They left her alone all the time and she was then raised by the family dogs. They were there but she was kept in the kennel with the dogs.  They are ridiculous examples of human beings.  

    The Russian kid from last year was actually cared for by his mother but never left the home and was completely isolated.  The home was filled to the brim with birds and she never spoke to him so he learned to chirp/sing instead.  He was not neglected physically or malnourished or left to fend for himself.  You can argue mental/emotional neglect however, she did bond with him and was there for him and as that is not a typical neglect category it probably wouldn't fly.  

    There was a case in 2004 of another Russian boy who was neglected and left to be raised by the family dog since he was like 9 months old or something when his parents who were also alcoholics ran off.  he was rescued when he was 7.  In that case I totally think his parents should be dealt with accordingly.  If they couldn't handle a newborn then give him up for adoption don't leave him alone in a home to die!

    In general I think if the parents were neglectful and the children either ran away from home and ended up feral/malnourished/ under developed or were forced to find "alternative parents" like dogs or other animals the parents should definitely be charged criminally.  They should have some sort of punishment for what they have done to these children.

    I think if these kids are rescued young enough there might be a chance to rehabilitate them and integrate them into society but that they will always possess some feral qualities and some developmental/social delays.

  6. They should be cared for and encouraged to advance as much as they can but will not be normal (function in society)...many times it is unknown who the parents are...and if they know, the parent is crazy..

  7. They are sons and daughters of b*****s

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