
What do you think about gasoline rationing? Would you be in favor of it?

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What would you think of a manitory cut in fuel comsumption in the US. Japan is doing it. They have actually using less oil every year. If The US would cut it oil comsumption by 10 percent this year it would make a surplus in oil. Driving the cost of crude down. We can do this easly and still take vacation and go places we want to do it means parking RVs and any vehical that does not get at least 20 miles to the gallon. Yes guys that mean park the Suv unless you have three or more people in it. It means turning your car off and going inside the fast food. It mean turning off the car instead of idling it. Planning your trip to grocery shop one less time a week or walking to store for that gallon of milk. Think you can do it. Last year was the first time in several years when American consumption of oil was almost flat. No increase. We can do this! Contact your Congressman and the Senator get him to help you by passing the alternative energy bill




  1. That would negatively impact my life on several fronts.

    My company, which issues F350's to senior employees and expects them to take them home and use them for short personal trips would have to completely restructure. As I've proved, the trucks will last up to 20 years, run out to 700,000 miles, and still be worth several thousand on the market when sold.

    Replacing them with "more efficient" 1/2 ton trucks wouldn't be viable. The same mileage for less capacity doesn't make much sense, we'd burn more fuel making multiple trips.

    I wouldn't be able to connect a gooseneck trailer to, say, a Kia.

    I wouldn't be able to step in when my brother, who lives 30 miles away and has to work late, needs someone to pick up his daughter, run another son to hockey practice, (do you have any idea how much space a bag of hockey gear takes up?) and get everyone home in time for dinner using my POV, (Jeep Wrangler, 15 MPG.)

    It would also mean giving up several of my own hobbies, such as camping, hunting, and off roading, for which the Jeep is perfect. I can reach remote spots, I have room for the cooler, GF, our packs and the dog, or I've got room for a shotgun, rifle, cooler and the dog, and playing in the mud is just plain fun.

    Your proposal, basically, suggests that unless I have three passengers, I can't drive either my POV or my company truck and watch my company go out of business. It means I have to buy and insure another vehicle, get a permit to position the SUV I need for family and hobbies. Think about it.

    A mother with three kids, who needs to take all of them to school, do you expect her to walk home in the rain and walk back to pick them up? If they're in different schools, does she have to drop off the youngest and walk in the rain/sleet/snow with the oldest to the child's school? Then walk, or cycle, back to the school, pick up the eldest, walk or cycle to the school of the youngest, to retrieve her car for the trip home?

    What about a farmer I know who has a tractor for bailing hay and uses his one ton for raking the hay prior to bailing? Is it fair to tell him he has to buy another car for his trip to the airport?

    I've been called dumb for some of my decisions, only to be called a genius later. This isn't something that will sit well with anyone given the market for many 4x4's and trucks. When you consider that most Congressmen and Senators drive around in large vehicles that don't get anywhere near 20 MPG, I don't think any of them are going to shoot themselves in the foot.


  2. while you're there cut off your electricity, give up your guns and go hug a tree. u can do it america!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  3. I guess you weren't around in the mid-70's when rationing was tried before - a major disaster.


  5. NO....NO....NO.....I would rather pay more for gasoline and be able to get it.

  6. yeah i dont think so.... i like my SUV and i like to drive it. I will still like to drive it even if the gas prices surged to over $5.00 a gallon.

  7. If I am buying my gasoline why do I need your permission to use it?

    You can use less gasoline without passing a law. I can decide to do something else...freedom is great

  8. I think it's a great idea in principle, but wouldn't work reality wise.  It assumes that all people live in a town or city.  Those of us living in this part of rural America travel approximately 60 miles a day to work and get groceries .  There are only minimum wage service jobs in my town and no grocery store (I only shop twice a month).  So for those of us that need to live in our car, this would be a hardship.

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