
What do you think about g**s adopting?

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but i would like to kno what everyone thinks on the matter tell me your opinions plz. thankyou!




  1. I think it's acceptable as long as they can provide a strong foundation for the child.

  2. l think the same about it as l think of any adoption or parenting choice.  Parents need to be capable and ready to raise children, children need love discipline and guidence, and of course proper screening should take place.  Considering all the horrible ways in which some children are abused or mistreated by their parents, a person's sexual orientation would be the last thing l'd be worried about!

  3. I completely support it, and believe there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. There have been a lot of studies about it, and it was proven that children the sexuality of the parents does not affect the child's sexuality, perhaps it brings with it a bit different lifestyle (regarding the same s*x parents, and how the environment would react - at least in my country), but I don't think that there are other obstacles to it.

  4. no way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  this is a christaian-jewdeo counrty and homosexuality is immoral and illegal, you dont bring children up breaking moral & legal laws !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. theres is nothing wrong with that..!!

  6. I am fine with g**s adopting. Its just like straights adopting exept that there will be 2 moms or 2 dads instead. And the child will probably still be in a loving enviroment..I would hope so lol. So No. I have no problem what-so-ever with g**s adopting.

  7. fabulous....

    Lots of babies and older kids need loving too.  There are so many unwanted children that if people want to raise them let them if they are a stable household with loving parents, doesn't matter the s*x.

  8. I really don't see anything wrong with it as long as you and your partner sit and talk about how you are going to handle the questions that is going to come along with the situation. i believe that when two people adaopt a child is to provgide the love and care that the real parents failed to give. it is something that really needs to be discussed before jumping into. Also they have to see how the child will react to it. If it is a small baby then maybe it will be ok because the baby is too young to know but as soon as it would be able to understand it will have to be told.

  9. I think adoption is an act of love, and it is nothing but an amazing benefit for a child that would otherwise be without a family that loves them.  I think that as long as it is done with the highest intentions in mind, anyone shoud be able to adopt, provided they pass the pre-requisites laid forth by their statutes in their homestate.  Why punish children for the fact that their potential parent loves someone that society hasnt made an acceptable opinion as fact abotu?

  10. I think it is perfectly fine, but they should acknowledge the consequences for the child later on.

  11. I think that g**s have a right to adopt a child. They are humans and shouldn't be judged because of there choices. A child that needs adopting wont care if they have 2 moms or 2 dads. As long as they have 2 parents to love them unconditionally.

  12. No way.  Leave the raising of children to married men and women.

  13. i think it is a great idea, but i think g*y adoption should adopt same s*x (i.e. girls-girl, guys-guy).

  14. Sexual preference has nothing to do with the ability to parent a child.

  15. Parenting has nothing to do with sexual orientation.  That is what people should think but they don't.  They think lots of ridiculous things out of fear.  And many 'g*y' people were raised in straight houses.  So again parenting has nothing to do with sexual orientation.

  16. Simple - every child deserves a loving family - it should not matter what the sexual preference of the parents is.

  17. Homosexuality is genetic, so an adopted child won't "catch" it.  Homosexuals can be as nurturing, loving, protective and capable as heterosexuals parents.  (And the relationship probably lasts longer.)


  18. To me personally sexual orientation has no consideration for adoption.  If two people of the same s*x love each and are committed to one another then they should be able to express that love for another person/child.  

    Adoption is an act of love and even g**s should be able to express that love if they choose to do so.  If two people of the same s*x are able to afford a nice home and are decent and loving then they should be able to adopt and bring a child into their home.  

    I know g*y couples who are raising children in their homes and they are just as decent and loving as heterosexuals are with their children.

    If people are able to afford to raise children and are able to love and provide for them then sexual orientation should not even be an issue when it comes to adoption.

  19. I really think that g*y adoptions is not right...a child needs to know the love of a mother and father.  You make a baby with a male and female..not male, male or visa versa.  Each parent mother and father play different roles int he family and have different characteristics eg: motherly, caring nurturing etc and the father has roles as well.  When we mix it up and have 2 or the same it doesn't work.  I find a father loves to play with the kids rough games and shows the kids how to do things I never would do being a female.  Important things, like how to be one of the boys and how to respect women by treating me with respect.  The list goes on.  If  all we have is g*y relationships children will never be with there biological parents and thats a shame.

  20. I have no problem with it -as long as what your adopting is a puppy or kitten and not an innocent child you can teach your filthy disgusting life to.

  21. What do you think about single people adopting? What do you think about Republicans adopting? What do you think about Hispanics adopting? What do you think about interracial adoptions? What do you think about Buddhists adopting? What do you think about pet owners adopting? What do you think about ugly people adopting? What do you think about people who live in big, dangerous cities adopting?

    Get the idea?

    A good parent is a good parent, no matter what his/her religion, appearance, sexual orientation, political orientation, tastes, beliefs, etc.

    I know a number of g*y men who have adopted children. I know a number of lesbians who have had their own. The children didn't grow up "g*y." They took it for granted that they had two mommies or two daddies, just as many children in today's blended families have two mommies or daddies.

    As the children grow older, because their parents tended to move in what you could call "g*y" circles, they interacted with other children with homosexual parents. They tended to have a strong sense of self-esteem.

    I remember talking to one girl and asking her if she was teased at school, and she said she got teased more about her weird last name than her parents. Another boy, who had been adopted by male homosexuals, said that a few boys had tried during typical boys locker room talk, but other kids had actually defended him and threatened to tell the teacher.

  22. adopting a child is a noble thing

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