
What do you think about gemini men, do they cheat and lie alot?

by  |  earlier

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have you dated a gemini men before?

what did u like and dislike about him?

did he lied and flirt alot?

or is he honest and tells you the truth,

even if its bad?




  1. I have been with a Gemini for 4 years.....He's a charmer and a bad liar. He's also a big kid......

  2. we all lie and we can all cheat and we all flirt and that's how we all get into relationship at first play when you like someone you flirt. gemini are just playful soul who are very friendly and that make people think that they are not loyal but it's not true.

    every sign can be loyal and not loyal, we all have a little in all of us.

    they just playful people and get alone with everybody that's all it doesn't mean he or she will cheat. all sign can cheat. if you are in love, be in love and appreciate him because gemini are playful and big romantic at heart. when they commit they commit for good, just like every man and every signs, people are not loyal because they are not that into the other person and that goes for every man, women and  every signs.

  3. I believe that all the signs, both sexes are equally guilty of this at times.

    By the same token, there's no one star sign that's all righteous and never lies or cheats.  We're all cut from the same cloth and it depends on the situation.  It's called survival of the fittest.

  4. LIE. lie, LIE, lie, Lie until they cant lie anymore!  My husband is a GEMINI!  Huge flirters (and Cap's cant stand that).  First 3 years of marriage was h**l!  I probably will never trust him!

  5. Gemini's lie and are c***s and c*nts and r mean

  6. The month that a person is born has absolutely no significance whatsoever when it comes to personality or overall behavior. The only thing that it affects is when they celebrate their birthday.  

  7. i have a crush on a gemini

  8. my dad is a gem and he never lies! he flirts a lot but it is all a joke and in good fun!  

  9. Yes.

    I liked how he was so good with words, he was so convincing. I disliked how he was so convincing, because in the long run it made me look like a fool.



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