
What do you think about girls smoking super slim 120 cigs? (capri 120, for example)?

by Guest58479  |  earlier

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What do you think about girls smoking super slim 120 cigs? (capri 120, for example)?




  1. Let's ask my grandma- oh wait, she's dead, from smoking! Ok let's ask my mom- nope, she's dead too! at age 53. They both died a terrible death at the hands of cigarettes. I can tell you this, I don't smoke and I am 35 and get mistaken for my kids' older sister. My brother, who smokes, looks like he is old enough to be my dad. He is actually younger than me. So hey if you are looking for an accessory to go with your wrinkles and your portable oxygen machine, then hey light one up. Better not do it in front of me though cuz I get quite rude to people who do.

  2. girls who smoke are gross. the other day, i met this girl, and i'm all attracted to her... til she lights up and i'm like, "uh uh. don't wanna hit that now."

  3. do you really want to know?

    Smoking Kills people...

    its not cool and it stinks and makes you stink, so stop it already.

  4. It makes them post questions in the wrong section...

  5. I find them as disgusting as women smoking any other cigarette.  Smoking is gross.  It's smelly, annoying to those around and dangerous for one's health.  Just ask all the emphysema victims.

  6. Girls smoking sucks. Don't be fooled into thinking it's s**y. It won't be s**y in ten years time when your skin is all wrinkly and you're coughing your lungs up with nicotine stained fingers!

  7. Nothing worse than seeing a young girl/woman sucking on a smoke stick.  When I was young I always chatted up the smoker as I figured they must have less self-esteem and I had more chance of getting lucky - and I was generally right.  Anyone who values themselves wouldn't do that to themselves - you wouldn't take a hammer and smash your hand with it would you? so why choke your internal organs with cancer causing toxic smoke?

  8. smoking cigarettes is a turn-off

  9. i think theyre s**y! ha um no i think theyre gross and want attention and are eating theyre lungs away to look cool. whyyyy do you smoke 120 cigs?

  10. They will look s**y until they die from it.

  11. This is not fashion.  This is completely idiotic.  I am amazed that someone would actually think smoking would make them look more cool.  I thought that kind of thought died out with the dinosaurs.  

  12. super stupid...

  13. nothing!

  14. the same as smoking other types of cigarrettes,stupid,as it´s so bad for you.

  15. hate their lungs? lungs! lol

  16. I've got a really nice friend who can make her snatch smoke.

    It's hilarious.

    It can't do smoke rings yet,but she's gunna keep practicing.

    And no,she doesn't smoke the normal way !

  17. well it doesnt make them s**y

  18. smokings bad for you're langs.

    answer me

  19. Girls who smoke ANY cigarettes will age faster, have more health problems, and will smell like and ash tray.

  20. Does it really matter. Im not sure cigatettes are a fashion accessory

  21. You'll still produce the same amount of ever-so-attractive phlegm....

  22. i think it makes them look more attractive... LOL JOKING DONT DOOO IT

  23. Well ithink it makes them feel more feminine and girly lol thats the truth or maybe more sufisticated

  24. Slims or not, if they want to get cancer, that is their business. Just don't smoke inside where I have to breath.

  25. its not good for a girl to smoke , but noe there are more girls who try to smoke.In china , most of smoking girls is call girl or prostitute . I hate smoking , although i am a boy!

  26. Horrible, i'd rather play tongue tennis with my cat

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