
What do you think about global warming???

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what do you do to "change" the world???




  1. Tell everyone everyday they need to change thier behaviour

  2. It's happening... And it will become worse...

    Now UK is Spring but it was still snowing, yet all the trees are still bold...

  3. I recently took a look at the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit site and ran there charts from 138K feet down to 3300 feet for air temperatures <>.>... From 14K - 158K All the temperatures are trending the lower extremes. 3,300 feet is the only temperature level that has not be affected noticeably. I think we have one more seasonal cycle before we really start to see a much more noticeable effect of the dropping temperatures at the higher elevations.

    I interpret the information I have gathered as demonstrating not just cooling in the upper atmosphere but as a type of contraction. As the over all atmosphere gets colder the atmosphere contract creating less of a gap between temperate temperatures and extreme cold layers of atmosphere. This would make possible contact between extremes more likely.


    Have a Nice Day

  4. way to post this question now your going to get retards that say global warming is a myth and blah blah know what I do...

    I unplug everything I dont use, I unplug it all before I go to bed, and turn down my thermostat 15 degrees before I go to bed, I have an energy effecient car and I have all energy efficeint lightbulbs and appliances in my house. I also have brand new windows where they are sealed properly and I rarely have to turn up the heat (its winter here)  I buy locally grown fruits and vegetables and I ride my bike or walk when I go places that dont NEED a car to drive there.

    so im doing my part and I feel great about it .. im not a hermit or anything like that.. its not a hassle out of my daily life to do this .. o I forgot the best part.. ive been doing this for 2 years and ive saved over 15 grand in heat bills and food bills and gas and all kinds of good stuff :)

    too bad people are too ignorant to realize whats really going on there.. but go ahead keep driving your 4x4 giant pickups and suckin back hundreds of gallons of gas a day and well youll get whatscommin.

  5. I don't life is for living what is the point of worrying we can all do our little bit but will it make a difference or it is too late to do anything now!

  6. Work as an Environmental Manager/Waste Operatiions Manager and sell my knowledge..........

    We can all do a little bit, but lets face it, global warming may or may not be a myth.  Cyclic weather patterns, contra-indications of the science behind 'global warming'.

    Ask the question, if we didn't have 'global warming' throughout the western world, what would un-employment figures be like then?  At least 100,000 people rely on the term for their salary.  Take that away and you have an additional problem other than the credit crunch to think about.

  7. Recycle XD

  8. I think global warming is too late to save the tens of thousands of people & hundreds of thousands of animals that froze  to death world wide in this unusually cold past winter.

    in Afganistan alone3000 human deaths & 100,000 domestic animal deaths were attributed to the unusual cold & snow & Afganistan is a small lightly populated country..

    I think global warming would be much preferable to the current global cooling if there were only some way to get it started.

    extreme heat is uncomfortable for humans & animals, extreme cold is actually deadly in a few hours.

    plant life does better in the heat. look out your window in January & again in July to see which month is more friendly to life & growing things.


  9. to late to worry damage all ready done

  10. you could do lots of things. heres a list of 100 ways to help the environment.

    one of my tips is to recharge or recycle batteries

    any of these things will help the cause!

  11. Its horrible

    Im Very Against that

  12. the future generation will never see a polar bear..

  13. i can take it or leave it,did you know that the billion users of yahoo burn the equivalent of a tropical rain forest every four seconds.

  14. I would stop global warming if I could and I would also stop animal abuse, literning and all bad things that hurt living things. And I don't like global warming- it hurts animals and us!


                                Signed, k!m

  15. Its a threat to humanity and animals as well!

    can you imagine the effects of it?

    Rise in temperatures during summer..

    winters getting colder?

    poor animals getting disturbed..

    those polar bears .. they are having their natural habitat distorted!!

    i would say that despite all that there are very little out there who are very conscious about its repercussions...

    please friends lets become eco-friendly and let us try mending our ways of doing things.

    atleast think about those animals and fish!

    and in order to stop these changes some few contributions of ours will be very please friends :

    1. Use light rail for commuting whenever possible. This might take some time to get used to. But it is far better than spending hours in blocked traffic when you can spend some quality time with your fellow travelers or open your mind by reading books or just watch people.

    2. Use paper or cloth bags for grocery shopping. This is no biggie. I can do this one!

    3. Switch off the air conditioning in the mornings and use it only when absolutely necessary.

    4. Use fuel efficient cars. Actually, I am doing this already as I have the car from my favorite automaker – Honda

    5. Walk whenever possible to nearest grocery store however inconvenient that can be. Walking with a toddler who has incessant curiosity and a mind of her own to a grocery store, and then back home with hefty bags; can’t imagine that. But I will give it a try for an abridged shopping list.

    6. Use lights to the least extent one day per week. Use beeswax candles instead. This would need some amount of convincing to reach a consensus in my family. Worth a try!

    7. Use organically grown food products. Although over the past few years I have become a fan of organic food, at times, time constraints and lack of specialty food availability has pushed me to the other side. But I am firm on this resolution.

    8. Plant something. Planting is easy. But taking care of it needs special attention and care, like kids. Anyhow they will pay attention to you!

    9. Increase awareness of Global Warming among your friends, colleagues and anybody. That’s exactly what I am doing right now.

    hope you ll all contribute in order to make a better world!

  16. i miss the snow because of global warming! i bet the penguins & polar bears hate it!

  17. Both the degree of warming that is happening and the role of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere have been much exaggerated for political and financial reasons. Climate change is happening because our climate is aways in a state of change, with or without man. The lesson of the history of life on this planet is that environments change, species adapt or die out. Trying to stop this process is arrogant, stupid and futile.

    We need to:-

    1. Use our resources more carefully

    2. Clean up after ourselves

    3. Control our population

  18. i love it

  19. I don't think about it. I don't like being conned.

    What am I doing about it I am paying extra taxes.

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