
What do you think about government buying land to prevent development in order to protect endangered species?

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What about forcing government to buy land?




  1. if i had the money id do it myself.. i think its a great idea.

    in fact if I ever win the lottery I plan on doing something like that.

    but thats a big if huh!?!?!

  2. The DNR (Department of Natural Resources) is responsible for the purchase of forest land.  

    I say keep buying and keep buying.  I'd rather see forest land, then another new subdivision.  

    It's beginning to be more endangered  species than not.  Also, trees are a good source for keeping the air clean, and that seems to be getting all s***w up too.  If it isn't the Eco system getting screwed up, it's the cutting down of the trees. Grant it, there are trees and land that have to be clear cut, but not all.

  3. I wish they would buy more.

  4. Makes a lot more sense than letting people keep thier land and telling them they just can't use it.

  5. Environmentalist groups now want to tear out highways and town for endangered species. Say good by to your home and city. And Government don`t buy the land, tax payers do

  6. I think it is a great idea.  Not just for the species but also to prevent over development of our resources.  We have the tendency to use and use until their is nothing left.

  7. I think it's a great idea! We call them "greeen spaces" and every city planning office shoudl be "planning" them.  And citizens need to protect the ones that already exist.  Many times, the greens spaces become favorite spots and developers eye them up for homes and businesses.  Green spaces help with all sorts of things besides being a nice place to be, they also help with water absorption and control runnoff and flooding.  Poor planning in many cities has caused their own flooding problems by not allowing a place for the water to go.  Green spaces help prevent this.

  8. Pretty soon all the land would be in Gov. hands. As we all know 99.9 % of all speicies ever evolved have gone extinct. AND are replace by speices that better adapted to the enviroment.

    SO I guess my answer would be no to the question.

  9. since the people are the government we technically are buying/owning the land and yes I am in full agreement to this practise.If we left it up to private companies every bit of land would be clear cut or strip mined or open pit smelting.Thank goodness that the government stepped in hundreds of years ago to make crown land areas (in Canada) so that we have natural spaces to go hiking and hunting if it was all private we would have no free and open spaces ,think about that anti government folks

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