
What do you think about her, now that you have a better idea of who Sarah Palin really is?

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And just in case you need some references -

Sarah Palin on Feb 23 2008, supposedly 7 months Pregnant (and nobody knew):

Sarah Palin's community expresses suprise at sudden secret pregnancy because "she wasn't showing":

Local polls reveal that 87% of Alaskans believe that Palin lied about firing Public Safety Commissioner (last 5 seconds of video):

Governor Palin admits freely that she has no idea what a Vice President is supposed to do on a day to day basis:

First - Palin calls Hillary a Whiner who ran a damaging campaign for women:

But Then - Palin thanks Hillary for cracking the glass cieling for her so she can now break it:




  1. Well, I have to say, when i was 7 months pregnant no one could tell either. My mother was the same way. I just never really showed so in her defense, it is possible. I only gained 17 lbs and I wore regular clothing almost the entire time.  

  2. Ha HA...anyone remember crazy Tommy Eagleton?  

    So if McCain/Palin wins  do they move a trailer onto the grounds of the Naval Observatory for the official VP residence?   Will they get Lynne Spears to be a Nanny?  Finally will they call it medicinal marijuana that they are growing on the Naval Observatory grounds?

  3. Condor, we might as well end this strand right now.  No one's gonna say it better.  

  4. Spiro T. Agnew in a dress comes to mind.

    She a lot better looking than Spiro ever was and more desirable to have an affair with, but that's the only difference

  5. She's a great choice.  Lets see, do I want a VP that has a pregnant daughter or a POTUS that's friends with Bill Ayers?  I chose Palin.  

  6. Sarah Palin is getting in way over her head. She's not anywhere near the best the Republicans had to offer. This was solely a political choice aimed at mobilizing the base, not one that reflected the best intersts of the country.

  7. Christians are the worst sinners !

  8. I LOVE her.

    She has my vote.

    See you at the polls.

  9. You are wasting your time typing this same old boring stuff. No matter what you and your kind say or what you and your kind do-my vote (and many others) lays with Senator McCain.

    There is absolutely no way on Gods green earth that i will ever vote for Obama. I dont care what he says, i dont care what you say, i dont care what scandals might come out about whoever. I would vote for a 3rd party candidate that i have never ever heard of before in my life before i would vote for Obama.

  10. VP ILF  

  11. Sarah Palin is a pure Republican-Neocon w***e. No wonder that senile old wind passer McCain picked her as his "running mate".

  12. Great pick.  Fantastic.  I'm energized about McCain for the first time.

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