
What do you think about home school?

by Guest66710  |  earlier

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What do you think about home school?




  1. Well, home school is a great way for a kid to get ahead in his schooling, but also it can leave kids socially inept. If you are going to choose homeschool, match it with a lot of extracurricular activities like sports and music.

  2. I know of 2 families who do home schooling, and both are vastly different in their approaches, expectations, and results.

    No 1 family.....3 children, and the "home schooling" was a real set organisation, the children were everywhere, the Mum had more than enough to do without the extra burden of teaching her children as well, and by the time dad got home, it was no nonsence time, and the children struggled on their own to do their homework to show can seem to be "convenient" to have the children at home...but in actual fact....convenient for whom?  For doing odd jobs?  and helping mum to feel good, whilst running circles around her and then recieving a blast of the end of her patience!!   children go to school, because it teaches them to get up at a certain time, to get somewhere and to be responsible and to learn how to work and enjoy life, respecting others and their property, and working together as a simply is not just about learning 1+1=2...... The 2nd family.....the mother was very studious, the children had set times to do and complete their work, she obviously taught them how to write beautifully, and all this takes patience, time, and especailly for the adult to be organised, patience, and 100 other things!!!   It depends.

  3. It depends.  If it's to teach your child a wider range of topics, then by all means, go for it.

    If it's simply to push a religious agenda and shelter them, that's kind of selfish.

  4. Its the best move we've ever made for our son 3 yrs ago. He "was" in public schooling, but with the distric were in, I "refuse" to ever let him back in ANY public schooling, UNLESS we did some very heavy talking about it.

    Right now, my son went from D'&F's in public schooling, to A's &B's homeschooling.

    See my son is severely dyslexic, the school board here after 3 yrs of fighting with them, told us "Dyslexia DOSNT exsits".

    So we took his education in our OWN hands, best move we ever made.

    Plus, hes also on a feeding pump, the school system here refuses to work with. So I know its for the best all way around for him.

  5. Home school is great for our kids. The idea that people put forward that home schooled kids have social issues come from public schooled kids with social issues.

    Public school kids have a tendency to bully, harass, steal, lie, cheat, ostracize, and persecute. What part of any of those would anyone consider social skills?

    Our curriculum here is extremely wide ranged. Public schools leave out many details about history and stick to a simple minded point of view of belief. Ideas in public schools are forbidden any more. For example: It is taught that Christopher Columbus discovered America but what public schools like to leave out too often is that he was also a rapist and a murderer as well.

    They like to teach about the Indian and Civil Wars but how come the Sand Creek Massacre is never mentioned? A Methodist minister led a savage and extremely violent attack on a peaceful tribe of Native Americans that led to men, women, and children being murdered. Some of the women were pregnant and hacked to death by white cavalry men.

    How come in public schools it's okay to teach about homosexuality and sodomy but it's not okay to teach the gospel of Jesus?

    In home schooling, no accredited teacher can molest the students, no one sissy student with social issues can shoot up your home school and blow it up. Like the South Carolina boy. He was public schooled and he wanted to blow up his school killing himself and as many people as possible.

    Yep, public school kids have no social issues!!!

    Our children have learned at a much more accelerated rate. Their grades have improved and they learn many things that public schools refuse to teach because of beliefs instead of ideas and open minds. They don't have fear anymore or worry about getting their lunches stolen. No favoritism is played here, unlike public schools and there's no competition for the best IPod, I Phone, girl, car, or cell phone.

    Ask a public school kid who Dr. Charles Drew was? Or Mikhail Kalashnikov, or General George Crook? What was George Crook's starvation march? Many will not be able to answer you. I know public school kids that don't know who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue but they think they have the right to vote or they think they understand the presidential candidates.

    My children can answer all of these.

    If you want to see how truly dumb some public school kids are watch an episode of JayWalking with Jay Leno. He asked a college couple, who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and they did not know.

    But when Jay asked  them who lives in a pineapple under the sea, they both responded with Sponge Bob.

  6. My husband and I homeschooled our 3 children. Not for all of their schooling years but for the majority of them.

    It requires commitment and as our children got older it became more and more their own responsibility to make sure they got their assignments done.

    They were active at church, participated in a class or two in public school during their middle school years, and participated in many field trips and other activities with our local homeschool group. They did have a social life outside of our home.

    They are now responsible adults and I'm proud of all 3 of them.

  7. From whose perspective?  The child's or the parent's?

    From either - it's a dedicated commitment.

    From one parent's point of view, it's a lot of work, time, and sacrifice, but worth it.

    From one young child's point of view, she misses her friends who are in school, and gets teased by some neighborhood kids because she is homeschooled.  Education wise, she much prefers it, and does better being homeschooled.

  8. ASked and answered 100 times or more! Why do people just post this question over and over?

    We love it.

    My kids are home schooled for a variety of reasons including a poor school system. When we pulled them out we were overwhelmed with the whole thing but as we got our routine down it became really enjoyable. We love the currriculum we use (Sonlight). We love having the kids around all the time. The kids enjoy being free. They are free to go and play outside when ever they want. They are free to be kids!

  9. Education wise? It's great!

    Everything else? Not so great.

    Overall? You have to take the good with the bad with everything in life. It just varies from person to person.

    But I don't like it. But it can be a good thing, it just depends on the person. I haven't had a good experience with it, it's been nothing but bad socially, and even educational in some aspects (However I will say I am alot more mature, and smarter than most of the people my age).

  10. For socializing, it's horrible.

    Education wise, thumbs up.

    But in general, not a good idea.

    You lose out too much on life experiences and friendships.

  11. they are easily identifiable

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