
What do you think about homeschool marketing / marketing research questions being posted?

by  |  earlier

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First a disclaimer: I do own a business that is education / homeschool related. I have posted links to my sites before (when I think they are relevant to the question). I have asked marketing research type questions. So, I am obviously not objective!

The community guidelines state: "it's OK to accompany a good, on-topic answer with a link to your website, blog, or email to offer more information."

And: " careful about posting links to your site in every answer or you risk crossing over into spam territory..."

And: "There are many ... business owners providing valuable knowledge & experiences on Answers. By identifying yourself as such & providing great answers, you are building credibility & positive brand image... but don't link directly to purchase pages..."

I have noticed marketing research posts from people who are new to Y!A, ask their question, disappear & make no further contribution.

Any opinions? :-)




  1. Not a long as the poster has more to offer than 'check out this website/my website'.

    Must admit I've only ever reported one poster and that was for repeatedly posting 'check out this website' (the poster's own website) and nothing more as an answer to pretty much every single question.

  2. The guidelines are most generally for answers, not really talking so much about questions.

    When someone is posting a question when they are in the infant stages of developing something, ok, as long as they are upfront about it.

    The questions I do have a problem with, however are those where the poster is trying to use YA as an easy, free replacement for more traditional research methods, or especially those where the posters says something like

    "hey, I want to do X for homeschoolers, but I have no idea where to find homeschoolers or if they would like my X...."

    those kinda annoy me because it is clear this is a financially motivated desire to place a product and not necessarily a desire to improve anything

    I guess I'm stubborn in the fact that this is a place to ask questions and get good information (sans the occaisional rant, or "I can't stand the stupidity" response, of course!)

  3. The questions don't bother me once in a while.  However if someone does repeatedly try to advertise for themselves on almost every answer or question... I usually will stop looking at their questions.  

    If you are repeatedly being spammed by someone you can report, but I usually don't report.. I would block the user first I think.

  4. I rarely answer such questions, I do appreciate links and information that may be of assistance to home school families in finding the items they are looking for; I would not like to see someone using it too strictly promote their business, or product.

    I have added many book titles, and links to my collection that were posted as part of the answers; these can be very helpful.

    I really do not care if they make a one time contribution, or are repeat posters, as long as they have something meaningful to add to the discussion.

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