
What do you think about how blackholes work ?

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Apreciating time : Entry for 12 July 2008

i estimate as it seems time thus enthropy flows into the future mater becomes pronounced into the future as it falles into a well thus time is slowed becouse the centeral mass leads into the future and thus little time quanta is left for us to appreciate

a ball bounding into the future slows relitive to us in the present

or rather the waveform simplifies relitive to us as the action of light is and seen to be slow becouse the wave form takes more of our time to pass like light going away from you...

actions in light space thus occer faster relitive to us and look faster but happen over the same period.

so what do you mean by "thus little time quanta is left for us to

> appreciate."

well with most of the event quanta ( points of time devidable like network packets ) are being drawn through the event horizon to the bit bang made by the black hole at its next event zont at point 2 of the black holes time line which is at the end or varios limits close to this wherein the missing time becomes a new universes time in an instant coversion of super light speed particals in an instant of being into a whole univers with its own waight rules and life time

RS (C)




  1. its a bit like jungle...

  2. Well, I always learned that if you get sucked into a Black hole, then you will be stuck in there forever or you would go back in time.  

  3. I just believe you get squished like a pancake when you get sucked into one. Not transported to the future, Anyways, the future doesn't exist. IT HAS NOT HAPPENED YET.

  4. A Black hole is just what it says a black hole. An object so densly packed, and with so much gravity, that anything near it gets draw in including light, hence it appears black.

  5. I'm so glad you took the time to type that out, but you could at least of made it funny.

  6. Black holes work as the maximalcentrenning center of every gravity field.-literally stirring the dark matter of the field to form a concentric array of electron hosting shells

  7. There aren't any black holes within a thousand light years.  I don't worry about such things.  What would be the point?  Its hard enough deciding on a good, inexpensive bottle of wine.  Or whether to use exlax or Milk of Magnesia for occasional irregularity.  

  8. I think that black holes just suck the nearest objects in and they never come out!

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