
What do you think about illegal immigrants???

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What do you think about illegal immigrants???




  1. If they come here to contribute to our society, work hard, and set a good model for our youth and others, applauds to them.

    If they come here to Murder, rape our women, get cocky and say stuff about running this country and commit crime, SEND EM BACK!

  2. I think they p**s me off. They don't deserve the same rights we have until they become nationalized and start to pay taxes & help try to fix the problem in our economy & government and not be the add of a problem.

  3. I think we should treat them the same way the country that they left would treat us if we went there illegaly. I know that sounds cruel but when other governments encourage their people to leave then shoot people illegally crossing into their borders. theres something wrong with that.

  4. I support immigration - I abhor illegal immigration.  We are supposedly a country of laws.  How do feel when people cut in line, evade taxes, or anything else that cheats the rest of us?

  5. I personally think we should have a limit to how many we allow into our country every year and limit what countries we allow immigrants from. We can't even afford to feed, house, and provide medical coverage for the Americans that were born here and work here. We can't even provide decent jobs for our own Americans. You add a bunch of immigrants into an already depressed economy and it just gets worse. I just feel that at some point we need to tell people no. As Americans, we have to wait for things as well, and are on waiting lists for certain types of relief, we shouldn't be knocked down further on the list by immigrants who come here with nothing and end up getting put on the tops of these lists. Housing, grants, loans, we need help and we deserve it. I don't feel immigrants should be allowed to just come here and get everything just like that when we have to wait for years sometimes just to get on a list for a home or a grant for school.

  6. Simple Answer:    Send them BACK............

  7. I can't blame them for wanting to come here for a better life.  Considering where they come from it is certainly understandable.  But I believe they should receive work visas & be required to learn our language.  The only problem I have with them is perhaps because of them we are reducing the number of people we will accept from other nations.

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