
What do you think about immigrant children??

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I asked a similar question a while ago...I wanted to rephrase my question because some people didn't understand what I was trying to say. OK. So the child came here as a young child with their parents (who chose to break the law) The child grows up as an american, knowing only this country as their home. When they turn 18 and are able to make dicissions for themselves, and try to get citizenship, proving that they have done very good in this country, not gotten into trouble, Lived life the way a decent human should, Do you think that they should have to go back to the country they were born in for them to get citizenship?? Or do you think that they should be able to stay in America while doing the right thing as Adults and become legal?? Should they have to go to a place that they don't really know, just for doing the right thing as an adult??

I believe that if the person (18 years of age) is able to provide documented proof from schools, teachers, and other leaders of the community that they have never shamed this coutry, always done the right thing, is a good person and can benifit this country, then they shouldn't have to leave for a certain amount of time because of what they're parents did. As long as they are doing what's right, applying for citizenship when leagally able to for themselves, then don't make them suffer by doing so.

I think that is one of the reasons why young adults do not apply for citizenship when they know they should, because they are afraid that they will have to leave everything that they've know for the past 18 years of their life, and be forced into a feorgin country.

May I also shouldn't think of these young adults as the offspring of criminals, they are their own person. The niece of a fellon shouldn't be punnished because of something that her uncle did. So why should the children of illegal immigrants??




  1. I sure don't want to pay any more taxes to hire people to perform these background checks on the children of criminals. But maybe if you ask this question often enough you will get an answer that parrots your opinion.

    The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Sorry they have bad parents who shouldn't have reproduced when they can't afford to properly raise their children.

  2. I really sympathize with immigrants legal or illegal. However, your position should apply for both adults and children alike.

    If a child is born inside the United States even if the parents are illegal that is one thing. Trying to rationalize special treatment for children of illegals, the child also illegal having been born outside the United States I do not favor.

    Right now we have a similar situation with foreign exchange students. They come here with limited duration visas, live with an American family and then beg to stay here as permanent residents is also a similar situation. Their parent company subsidized their coming here with a firm mutual commitment that they return to their native country. One country has threatened to cancel the entire exchange student program if students are not returned .

    We used to call this "brain drain."

    Immigration is not an immotional issue to me. However I am wary of special treatment of subcategories of illegals.

    I do not agree with your position.

  3. They should be sent back to their country. Sorry, but they are not here legally. They should look at their parents and ask them why they put them into this situation.

    You say that “The niece of a fellon shouldn't be punnished because of something that her uncle did. So why should the children of illegal immigrants??”

    Ok let look at that, let’s say her uncle stole a car and gave it to the niece, should she get to keep the car? Even if she really, really needs it to get back and forth to work, come on the niece didn’t do anything wrong and after all she had the car for a really long time. Of course she shouldn’t get to keep the car, she can’t benefit from crime. She’s not being punished by being made to return the car, but she can’t benefit from the crime either.

    So the child shouldn’t benefit from their parent’s crime, the child only needs to look at their parents to see who’s to blame for the mess they find themselves in. Sorry but law is the law, and sometimes innocent people get hurt. But the child knows who’s to blame, their parents.


    But was it FARE for them to take resources from Americans? California spends about 10 BILLION dollars on illegal aliens every year. They spend about $7.7 billion of that a year to educate the children of illegal aliens. Think about that one state spent almost 8 billion dollars to educate illegal aliens. Think what that money could buy, how much better would the schools be.

    Just so you know give me enough incentive, i.e. US citizenship and I’ll come up with all kinds of documented proof that led a life on the straight and narrow. When Jimmy Carter and congress gave amnesty to illegal aliens who could prove they were in the US for four years they could then apply for citizenship, well in just a short time you could buy the documents you needed to prove you were in the US for four years. What make you think it would be any different if you required those records? And can you really tell the difference between an 18 year old and a 21 year old? No not really, so now as long as I can pass for 18 and can get fake documents, anyone could apply and become a citizen.

    If they are trying to do the “right thing” then they would go back to their home country and apply to enter.

  4. I think they should be deported to Mexico  

  5. Let them stay! it wasn't their choice to come here illegally! they are now educated, so let them use that energy and knowledge to help build an even better place to live.

  6. Maybe you don't understand. So the child came here as a young child with their parents (who chose to break the law) The child grows up as a criminal in a foreign country, not knowing their country as their home. They use resources that the American citizens pays for until they turn 18 and can decide to remain criminals or return to their own countries. We the people do not want to pay for criminal invaders and their children. The children by remaining in the US after 18 makes themselves felons. It's like going to the mall. If you go to the mall no problem! If you hide in a store after it closes and use the store resources then you are a criminal. That is even if you got straight A's in high school! You can not remain in the store after hours!

    Or we can take it a step further: If I rape and murder your daughter what kind of reward does my child get? This is what you are doing isn't it? Rewarding the child for the crimes of the parent?

  7. You mean the children of illegal aliens or criminal border invaders is what you meant to say. If you mean the children of immigrants we are all the children of immigrants is some way shape or form. Your question pertains to illegal aliens and as such needs a rephrasing

  8. the thing is that even if they grow up to be great role models, they have no basis to apply for citizenship.  to apply for citizenship, you need to be a greencard holder for 5 years, and to apply for a greencard, you either need: a mom or dad sponsoring their child (meaning the parent is a greencard holder or citizen),  the child finds a job that would sponsor him for a work visa (the H1b visa) to work or marriage through a us citizen.  they will be unable to get this visa b/c you need at least a bachelor's degree and be a legal immigrant under the student visa.  these children who came in illegally with their parent, though not their choice, but their parents, cannot get their greencards through either the first two options. the marriage part would be a little complicated, but i have heard of illegal immigrants getting married to a u.s. citizen...the only thing is that the husband did have to leave the country for a couple of years (can't remember how long)before returning.. another option is the president declaring amnesty for illegal immigrants...

    but you also gotta understand and think about the children who came in legally b/c their parents got a work visa (example: E2 visa).  they grow up knowing that they came in legally, but when they grow up (usually around high school) find out that they cannot work (b/c their social security card states "not valid for work," and that they do not qualify for financial aid when they go to college.  and the sad part is that once they turn 21, they cannot follow their parents' visa and their status changes from let's say E-2 to F-1 (student visa).  this is more stressful for them b/c this is where they start paying thousands of dollars to pay the international student tuition (their parents usually get loans from the bank), and yet they cannot work nor get financial aid.  after they graduate, they have more headaches in finding a way to stay legally in the u.s....they usually go for the h1b visa for work, which is another headache in itself...

    so legally or illegally its sad, but i have more sympathy for the legal immigrant children b/c if they cannot find a means to stay legally in the u.s., the gov also want them out of the country despite their years of being legally in the u.s.

  9. no human is illegal!despite laws,despite racism,despite penalties.....greed is the stem of this sick should be stopped...and i think it will someday when mexico get back the land that was theirs...despite their belonged to the people...not some el presidente.

  10. The children of whom you speak are not immigrants.  Immigrants have papers and permission to be in their adopted country.  

    The laws state that once an illegal alien child turns 18, criminal charges begin to accrue.  These children need to go back to their home country.  Some countries have equal colleges at lower tuition rates - why not take advantage of that?

    These children are not being punished for their parent's actions - that would mean an entry ban.  Instead they are being re-set to their country of origin.

    And to your "uncle is a felon" example.  If my uncle robbed a bank, I wouldn't get to keep the money.

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