
What do you think about italian politics?

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what do you think about italian politics?

and... do you like mr.Berlusconi?

thanks for your answers...

....I'm italian but I don't like mr.Berlusconi....




  1. 'Nu schif! said in Naples

    Schfio fa! said in Palermo

    Eh, la fa schif... said in Milan

    Porco de chel cane, i me roba tut! said in Brescia-Bergamo

    Now.... I say, **** our politics people!

  2. Aaargh! I shudder to even think of Italy these days, and so do many of my Italian friends in London.

    I think he's a greasy, narcissistic, smarmy, little fascist. - Living proof that all you need to do is control the media outlets to win an election. Italy, or more accurately Capri, is one of my fave places in the world, so it's horribly disappointing to have to wade through the bs of current Italian politics.

    Apparently, all crimes are committed by immigrants these days, and little tinpot Mussolinis are popping out of the woodwork to lynch anyone who looks like an immigrant. I think it's an absolute disgrace, and I am deeply sorry for the Italian people who have to endure this period of Berlusconi. It's no wonder he's a friend of another greasy git: Our Tony Blair.

  3. I find Italian politics highly entertaining, champagne spraying, name calling, hot tempers and fainting - much more lively then our house of commons!lol

    All it is is that you parliamentary system is still young, it in its adolescent stage if you will, and its like watching children grow into and fully understand their role in their political system - its ment as an endearment lol

    however, young people can be easily lead and corrupted and maybe that's something to watch out for..

    Mr Berlusconi is a very colourfull character...

  4. To be honest!I do not know a very lot about Italian politics!But I wonder!Do the Italian court proceedings still continue against Berlosconi and Harriett Harman's husband!Or have they been conveniently dropped??

  5. diciamo che sono di destra ma non mi piace berlusconi. tu da che parte stai?

  6. Very confusing.   And NO I am not a fan of Berlusconi!

  7. I've just shrugged in an Italian way.

    Italian politics is a zuppa inglese of views - it's a bit of communism, fascism, nationalism, catholicism, basically anything that you can stir into a bowl and call it democracy. If you don't like the incumbents, there's another one along soon. A week is a long time for an Italian Government.

  8. We Americans like Italian food, Italian women, Some Italian Cars and vacations in Italy.

    We know little or nothing about Italian politics but then few Italians seem to know anything about Italian politics either.

    We are so messed up about our own politics that we haven't any intellectual room for yours.

    Have a great day


  9. Not a lot.  Italian Politics does not have a lot to to with the UK.

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