
What do you think about italy and people who live there?

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Hi, my name is Kiara, I'm 16 year old, I'm italian and I live near Rome.

I'm doing a survey for my school and I need to know somethings about australians people:

- What do you think about Italy?

- What do you think about italians people?

-Have you ever been there?

- And would you like to go in Italy? Why? Why no?

Please answer





  1. Italy is a great place.

    Itlaians are nice fun loving, life loving, wine drinking, great people.  

    Yes, in 1999.

    Yes, again very soon

  2. I love the scenery and weather but I found the people to be a bunch of rude, unhelpful, sneaky, dirty, pushy thieves. the women were bitter and the men were creepy. I loved the food though :)

  3. I am American and not Australian so I don't know if this helps, but just in case it does.

    ~I really love Italia, it is amazing all the history and beauty of one country.  The food was too delicious and the wine was very good.  

    ~The Italians we met were really friendly.  My friend speaks fluent Italian but everyone loved to speak English to us (which was good for me because I don't speak any Italian!)

    ~I have been there only once and I dream of going back, I can't wait to go back!

    ~We went to Rome, Florence and Venice, and Rome was my favorite city in the world, it was s amazing, I am jealous you get to live there!

  4. Although I am American, let me answer your questions one by one:

    Italy is a beautiful country with dramatic mountains, beautiful seacoast, and enchanting lakes.  Rome, Florence, Naples, Venice, Pisa, and Sienna are some of the most beautiful cities on earth.  The small towns like San Gimignano are fascinating and often beautiful as well.

    The Italian people -- especially outside of the big cities -- are among the kindest and friendliest in the world.  The welcome strangers and are always appreciative of any attempt to speak a little Italian.  Everyone in Italy has a family member or friend who has emigrated to the US.  You might just meet someone who knows someone you know.

    I lived in Rome for more than three years and have returned to visit Italy at least 50 times (yes, 50 times) since I left there.

    We'll be back again next year.  The country will still be beautiful, the people will still be great, and the cuisine and wine will always make me feel right at home.

    Viva Italia!

  5. Hy I'm Benito Mussolini ! i think that without Italy and the Italians the Anglo-Saxons would be still jumping on trees

  6. I'm American, so you can cheat a little ;-)

    I went to Venice and I thought it was great. Beautiful city, though we went during a double holiday so it was packed full. I love Venice though

    Italians- Depends, those in the touristing business are nice. Busy business men, not so much. We got a lot of bad looks and glares, but I think this is because we are American, and we aren't liked. People hit us and ran through us, it was kind of...bad.

    Yes, I've been to Venice, Italy.

    I'd like to go to Florence, and Pisa and Rome...all those places. Explore a little more.

  7. I think Italy is a lovely country, though Milano is very built up which is a bit off-putting.

    I think Italians, for the most part, are kind and well-meaning. As with any country there are some rude and irritating people but luckily the kind ones over-shadow them.

    Yes, I have been there many times and am returning again this Summer.

  8. no offense but my my mother's friend he went to italy and he hated it everything was expensive in rome and venice the tower of pisa was written with graffitti on it and the gondolas the water smelled very bad

  9. I agree 100% with Praetorian...( thumbs up to you :D )   these people here that answered don't know what they are talking about, or are just jealous that they dont live in Italy.......  I think our country is the nicest in the world man... and I have known many Americans and Australians who think the same...... ehehe I mean where else has such a wonderful culture, food,art,architecture, language,style,fashion, food,music,family values, ect than us Italians? :}

  10. hello

    the view of italians is this in america/australia(this is what we if think if we have never been there)

    italian women are beautiful (we have heard that they are very elegant)

    italian boys(over romantics but good looking)

    italian people in general (nice people very kind...,but some think that italians dont like americans or australins in there country)

    we here about italian fashion and how every body dresses very well(we have heard no body wheres flip flops, no shorts always very tight clothes...., this is what we say about italian dress)

    food(we have heard that the food is the best and american pizza tastes very bad compared with italian)

    i have never been to italy but im going next week!!!! i cant wait

    i want to go to italy to experance there culture and life style

    un like a few other postings of sterotypes of americans me and very family are very cultured people whio have a great respect for other cultures and the people who live under those cultures. I also want to go to italy to expolre the night life!

    Im an 18 and live in america but i do have australian freinds.

    I hope this helps and im very exited to see your country !


  11. Well , I've never been to Italy but I will so . Venice is something you have to visit really . As far as the nation , well I've been hearing from different different folks that they are more like Eastern people in comparison to other European nations .

  12. nope, I prefere my lil smelly home in seekonk MA

  13. well i have heard good thing and bad things about it, i live in the UK and any Italian people i have spoken to have been very friendly people, no i have never been there, and no i don't think i would like to go to Italy, this being down to my not liking canal waters as i can't swim.

  14. I think Italy is beautiful, and I think the people who live there are skinny and impeccably dressed.  Amazing food, delicious pastries, yummy cappuccinos. I'm American, so I don't know if my answer counts for your survey.  And, yes, I have been to Italy and would go back in a second.

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